Old Business: 1) Mr. Don Glasgow opposition to Driftwood Shores area rezoning to P1. 2) Ordinance for property rezone to P1, property owned by Mr. Sonny Barnes. Located east of Edmonds Drive and west of Driftwood Shores Drive. Ordinance failed to pass, a 3-2 vote against.
New Business: 1) Eagle Scout Project for Rec-Com Pool improvements approved up to $3000.00. 2) Soccer Fields Wetlands Project Study approved for $7580.00. 3) Public Hearing date established for the rezoning of the Old Revere and Scottsboro Aluminum Plant site, Aug 11, 2008. Site rezoning is necessary due to it being taken into Scottsboro's City Limits by a Special Act of the Legislature which resulted in the old plant site being rezoned to the most restrictive zoning, R1. 4) Election Officials rate of pay approved, $100 for election officials and $125 for election inspectors. 5) Election Systems and Supply Company Inc. approved at the rate of $4750 per election to provide election supplies. 6) Absentee Election Managers appointment, 2 city clerks at $50 per clerk for $100. 7) Victor Manning appointed as voting machine custodian. 8) removed. 9) Solid Waste installation of gates and fence repair approved. 10) Advertising for City/County Street Maps approved for $1895. 11) Resolution for Mutual Aid for Disasters, tabled. 12) Bid Opening for Solid Waste 95 gallon refuse containers awarded to Otto Environmental Systems for $59.50 per container. 13) Asphalt Binder bid for Street Department, awarded to Jackson Pavement. 14) Piggly Wiggly alcohol beverage license approved, store was sold and beverage license reapplied. 15) The following board vacancies are opening: a) 2 spots on the Industrial Development Board; b) 2 spots on the Medical Clinic Board; c) 2 spots on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. All submissions for these boards must be turned in by July 31, 2008 by 12PM. 16) All citizens are invited to a TARCOG meeting concerning Safety of area roads at the Jackson County Commission Board Room on Thursday July 16 at 6PM.
New Business: 1) Eagle Scout Project for Rec-Com Pool improvements approved up to $3000.00. 2) Soccer Fields Wetlands Project Study approved for $7580.00. 3) Public Hearing date established for the rezoning of the Old Revere and Scottsboro Aluminum Plant site, Aug 11, 2008. Site rezoning is necessary due to it being taken into Scottsboro's City Limits by a Special Act of the Legislature which resulted in the old plant site being rezoned to the most restrictive zoning, R1. 4) Election Officials rate of pay approved, $100 for election officials and $125 for election inspectors. 5) Election Systems and Supply Company Inc. approved at the rate of $4750 per election to provide election supplies. 6) Absentee Election Managers appointment, 2 city clerks at $50 per clerk for $100. 7) Victor Manning appointed as voting machine custodian. 8) removed. 9) Solid Waste installation of gates and fence repair approved. 10) Advertising for City/County Street Maps approved for $1895. 11) Resolution for Mutual Aid for Disasters, tabled. 12) Bid Opening for Solid Waste 95 gallon refuse containers awarded to Otto Environmental Systems for $59.50 per container. 13) Asphalt Binder bid for Street Department, awarded to Jackson Pavement. 14) Piggly Wiggly alcohol beverage license approved, store was sold and beverage license reapplied. 15) The following board vacancies are opening: a) 2 spots on the Industrial Development Board; b) 2 spots on the Medical Clinic Board; c) 2 spots on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. All submissions for these boards must be turned in by July 31, 2008 by 12PM. 16) All citizens are invited to a TARCOG meeting concerning Safety of area roads at the Jackson County Commission Board Room on Thursday July 16 at 6PM.
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