Removing posts from local forums is but one trick involving the Jackson County Democrat Party. Recent attempts by the Jackson County Democrat Party to prevent the filming, video taping and taking of pictures by bloggers and private citizens failed at the County Commission run off election political forum held at the Scottsboro High School, story of that event is listed within, http://arklite.blogspot.com/2008/07/jackson-county-democrat-club-forum-or.html . It appears Democrat Party officials have been successful in the control of a local forum, "al.com's Scottsboro Forum." Which is not actually a forum but a highly controlled message board in support of the local Democrat Party. It is obvious that the Jackson County Democrat Party and the editors of "al.com's Scottsboro Forum" care not for liberty or the free expression of ideas. Their idea of liberty only applies if the individual supports their efforts of deciet and tyrany in Jackson County Alabama.
The players: You will find one of the players of dirty tricks in the following video. Secrecy and underhanded tactics involves others in local politics, it is the standard "game" of deceit, "fool the voter." The person who had removed Gov. Riley campaign signs then placed them at a Klan Riley in Scottsboro is the Jackson County Democrat Party Attorney. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3336113322375157781&hl=en One of the participants in the lies and tactics of the "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" (pictured) strategy of the Alabama Democrat Party concerning convicted former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. The Jackson County Courthouse (pictured) seems to be a resting place of many of the Democrat Party Officers who will do most anything to maintain their desperate hold on power in Jackson County Alabama. This reminds me, repressive local politics and political censorship is the reason I started this blog, Watch for Snakes n' Scottsboro. (One of the two forum trolls with over 55 forum names, probably a Nazi as he collects swastikas and expresses a dislike of Jewish people, may be found within the rectangle in the center of the aerial photo. http://wikimapia.org/#lat=34.628759&lon=-86.061358&z=15&l=0&m=a&v=2 )
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