I see "al.com" as ordered by the political tyrants of the local Democrat Party and the corporate socialists are at it again, censoring speech and banning posters on the "al.com Scottsboro so called Forum." The local influential politicians and New Jersey media tyrants of Advance Internet Inc. strike once again with their attack on reasonable, responsible editorial principles and basic principles of liberty and expression of political speech. It would seem there is a movement of socialist authoritarian tyrants in our midst who care not for principles of our Constitution. I wonder what the reason was this time?
Maybe the discussion of Lowell Barron taking credit for the B.B. comer Bridge opening and the discussion concerning the several named governmental constructed locations named after "his majesty," maybe it was pointing out the dirty tricks of the local Democrat Party and who is responsible for them, maybe it was the spirited argument concerning a Bellefonte Nuclear Plant and the debt of the TVA, maybe it was the report that there are over 41,000 nuclear workers sick and dying in the U.S., maybe it was pointing out the dismal financial situation of Hollywood, Al. and the suggestion that the First National Bank of Scottsboro should do as they have done with Goose Pond Colony (The Bank holds the notes on their debt.) by arranging to have one of their Bank Officers be the Chairman of that Government entity's Board, or maybe it was my prose and pictures about my garden and my giving thanks to God for its blessing. What ever the reason it is obvious there are influential folks in the area that feel very threatened by my speech.
A ban once again falls on free expression in Scottsboro, Alabama. A stark reminder of the dismal days of Jim Crow, Bourbon rule of Alabama Government by power hungry racist Montgomery Democrats, as demonstrated by the political action reflected in the influencing of "al.com's" so called forums by repressive corporate and political leadership. It is obvious that politicians such as the fearless leader of the local Democrats, Lowell Barron, and organizations such as the Jackson County Democrat Party, the NEI, Nuclear Energy Institute and their PAC rain supreme in determining who says what. Liberty takes a back seat to his majesty and the corporate political ilk of tyrany.
Are local citizens accepting the tyrany of some politicians as well as governmental and private corporations grasping for control of our thoughts and speech through actions that are witnessed on "al.com?" Do they feel helpless against this style of repression? Maybe the old local adage has come to pass, "I'd vote for the devil before a Republican." Repression thru censorship, the squashing of speech and ideas, is the "devil" showing its face toward liberty and the ideals of our Republic?
The battle to end local political repression continues.
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