Once again the Democrat Party tyrants voice their opinions by removing posts within the "al.com" Scottsboro forum and once again, banning the poster. I guess telling the truth concerning dirty tricks, liars and scoundrels is more than the local Democrats can stand. No violations of Advance Media-"al.com" forum rules by the poster, just political/corporate tyrany from local politicians and their ilk of corporate tyrants, local power monger/managers in the Democrat Party. The forum moderator is part of the tyrants group. This time around it started with attempts by the local Democrat Party Leadership at banning the filming/video taping, to include picture taking, of the local "Dog and Pony Show," the so called political forum concerning the Jackson County Commission race Tuesday evening, a public event on public property.
Advance Media, "al.com," treats their customers as if they are non-entity's. The Democrat Party of Jackson County's leadership treats citizens as if they are second rate citizens if you do not support their candidate, their ideals or their group. The Democrat Party leadership of Jackson County Alabama is no more than a 2 bit bunch of tyrants on a power trip of authoritarian, socialistic repression, stemming from local Jim Crow style of Bourbon Planter class mentality. How can anyone support such a repressive group of individuals that lead the local Democrat Party. It is no wonder that groups such as the Jackson County Patriots spring forward in protest to the local party tyrants and their acts of repression.
Keep it up Democrat leadership, you are your own worse enemy. The Jackson County Democrat Party Leadership are awarded the "Two Headed Poisonous Snake Award" for their threats on liberty and our Constitution. The local Democrat leadership makes Tammany Hall look like a senior citizens cake walk.
>>>Addition: Thank you to the posters on "al.com's Scottsboro forum" who are supporting of no political censorship. We may agree or disagree on topics or opinions but I think a reasonable person realizes that this type of political censorship serves no purpose other than that of a tool for tyrants. It is not forum moderation or editing, it is political censorship. Unfortunately the censorship always centers around political discussion of items of local interest. Think fellow citizens, who would want political discussion items removed concerning the discussion of the Democrat Party's inappropriate actions?? And we wonder why a group such as the "Patriots" springs up. Contact Advance Internet, http://www.advance.net/ and tell them what you think about their policy of political censorship on "al.com's Scottsboro Forum." Contact their advertisers, tell them you do not appreciate "al.com's" censorship of political discussion, your comments do matter.
Gary, we haven't always agreed on things, especially nuclear power and our need for it, but I'm 100% with you on this one. There is no place in our society for this kind of censorship...our forefathers would appalled.
It's all about power, power of the local Democrat Party's control of local communications and discussion in public. The media and some party politicians seem to have a problem with "citizen journalism and opinion. I appreciate your support concerning this issue of censorship.
Concerning Nuclear Power, we both have the same goal in mind, electrical power generation for the future. We differ in our solutions concerning the immediate problem. All the risks must be thoroughly weighed. What bothers me the most is the dismal financial state of the TVA. They certainly have not thoroughly explained how they are going to pay for the nuclear reactors without exceeding the debt cap. Politicians don't seem to be asking the difficult questions concerning the finances or questioning weaknesses in environmental issues. This leads me to look at other areas where weaknesses may hide. After all is said and done and the bureaucracy spins its wheels there will be a end decision. I know I'll rest better knowing that I asked questions and gave my thoughts and opinions of the process and where weaknesses may lie. That is why the NRC took the time to hear local concerns. They did not come to town to hear a bunch of politicians say "yes sir, yes sir 3 sacks full."
Just think, during the Manhattan Project if someone had come along and stifled dissenting opinions or scientific discussions concerning nuclear physics we may not have beat the Germans to resolution of problems concerning early nuclear reactor development.
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