1) Eagle Scout Nathan Bradbury made presentation concerning Rec-Com Pool Project: roof-walkway-pavilion improvement. Described experiences concerning that of a contractor in performing construction projects. Described funds raised for project and requested $2500.00 to finish project. Boy Scouts will participate in landscaping for finishing project. 2) Rickey Storey made historical presentation concerning name change of Stewart Rd. to Swain Rd. Mr. Storey gave family history of area related to Stewart Rd. 3) Mr. Sonny Barnes, Riverside Properties gave presentation concerning his request to rezone his property to a P-1 designation. Mr. Rick Roden, Chamber of Commerce gave presentation concerning support of area business and residential growth. Mr. Jim Olyneise, Scottsboro Planning Commission, gave presentation concerning Scottsboro's "Master Plan." 4) Discussion of Rules and Regulations for moving houses on city streets. 5) Mr. Hodges, wetland discussion of new soccer fields, Barge Waggoner, Sumner & Cannon Engineers for project. 6) Rezoning discussion of old Scottsboro Aluminum Plant property from R-1 to M-2 Heavy Manufacturing. Mr. Jim Christopher and Mr. Bobby Chandler purchased property from the estate of Mr. Hembree. The property was rezoned by annexation due to the Special Legislative Act taking the property into the City of Scottsboro. 7) Rate of pay for Election Officials discussed, Inspectors-$125.00; Election Official-$100.00. 8) Discussion of election supplies needed for purchase. 9) Discussion of Memorandum of Agreement with Victor Manning as Custodian of Voting Machines. Mr. Manning is paid $200.00 for each machine. 10) Swimming Pool Inspection results presentation by Ms. Yvonne Yockel. Apparently the State made a spot inspection of the pools heaters and electrical system. A notice of violation was issued and a 30 day period for improvement was issued. 11) Eddie Blizzard, Sanitation Department Director, made presentation for request for gates and fence improvement around truck parking area. This request is for security and safety reasons. 12) City Clerks report on advertising for County/City Street Maps. 13) City Clerk's report concerning Disaster Mutual Aid Support Agreement between state, county and city governments. 14) Reminder that City Election Qualifying ends on July 15, 2008 at 5:00PM.
First 2 pictures are of the July 4th, First Monday Trade Days event.
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