Meeting with the Commission: 1) Scottsboro City Officials met with the Commission to present plans to expand the Martintown Landfill. The City Attorney made the presentation which concerned expanding the Construction and Demolition area of the landfill by 20ac. There will be a public hearing scheduled concerning this issue. 2) Christine Harding of J.H. Partners Architectural firm meet with the Commission to announce the bid openings and lowest bidder for Courthouse Window replacement. The bid was awarded to Berry Construction as lowest bidder. 3) Gayla Roberts met with the Commission to request funds for Rosalie's Rescue Squad in the amount of $1496.00. The funds were to cover costs which were incurred during the tornado, the Commission approved $1500. 4) Billy Vinson made a presentation concerning staggered terms and district voting of County Commissioners. 5) Rita Williams from Council on Aging met to request more funds. Increases in the minimum wage has caused her to have a $3600 short fall of funds. There was also discussion concerning public transportation funding. The Commission approved the $3600 request to cover employee wages.
Consent Agenda was approved for $5049.99. There were other travel expenses which were approved but not identified as to the amount as the travel has not occured.
Old Business: 1) Minutes approval of meetings. A question was raised by Mr. Blizzard as to whether the proper notices were given concerning the Special Call meetings. No one could answer whether a proper posting was made on the Jackson County Commission Bulletin Board concerning the Special Call meeting. The County Attorney, Mr. John Porter, stated that a meeting was not a "legal" meeting if proper notice is not made. 2) Courthouse window bid opening issue discussed in #2 above. 3) Northeast Alabama Fire Protection District Board member pay issue not acted on as there has been no proper request from the Fire Protection Board. 4) Job Description discussion for Animal Control officer for county. 5) Resolution requesting Special Act from Legislative Delegation to allow voters to decide on staggered election terms and district voting for the County Commission.
New Business: (4 items on agenda, however due to the length of the Commission meeting I left to attend the City Council meeting at 6PM)
1) Request from Moriah Christian Children's Home for special garbage pickup rate. 2) Motion to approve RPT application. 3) Council on Aging employees minimum wage pay increase, approved above. 4) Executive Session, Disciplinary Hearing.
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