There was a full house, standing room only for the public hearing tonight concerning Goosepond Island Industrial Area Zoning. When the old Scottsboro Aluminum plant property and the north side of the island was annexed into Scottsboro by a Special Act of the State Legislature, the area was brought into the city limits zoned R-1. The north side of the island has been developed as a lake shore community. The old plant property has been purchased by the same developers that originally purchased the north side property for home development. The developers, North Island Developers have applied to rezone the old plant property back to M-2 heavy manufacturing. Tonight's Council Session began with the usual formalities, prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, roll call and last meeting minutes approval. The Council then held as their first item a Public Hearing concerning the issue of Goose Pond Island Property Rezoning.
Old Business: 1) The public hearing went well. Council President Keith Smith did an excellent job at conducting tonights session. Mr. John Ward (John Orth) of NX Infrastructure Company explained that the business would coat re-bar with stainless steel in order to resist corrosion. Mr. Ward (Orth) conducted a short Power Point Presentation on the business. (Correction: Evidently the gentleman making the presentation was Mr. John Orth, ex CEO of Stelax. Mr Orth did state that Stelax was placed into recievership but did not comment that he was the ex CEO of the company. The speaker did state that NX Infrastructure had purchased the intellectual property of Stelax. I will leave the name up that I originally listed as there is some question as to the name that was heard in the audience. Others heard the name of Ward, which is the name I heard stated.) There were 5 persons speaking for the business and rezoning. 9 persons spoke against the rezoning that resided or owned property on the north side island home development. Concerns from citizens were truck and rail traffic dangers, noise pollution from transportation and plant operations, air and water pollution concerns. Most property buyers indicated they were told that the remaining portion of the island containing the old manufacturing area would not be utilized for heavy manufacturing. There was also a short discussion concerning zoning of the property to M1, Light Manufacturing. The decision for zoning was tabled until August the 25th meeting. 2) Blake Wright and Johnny Ivey was appointed to the Industrial Development Board.
New Business: 1) Animal Control Ordinance Change pulled from agenda. 2) Municipal Judge and Assistant Municipal Judge vacancy announced. Applicants should have applications turned into City Clerks Office by 12 noon Sep. 11, 2008. 3) 2 vacancies announced for Municipal Prosecutors, applications must be turned in by 12 noon Sep. 11, 2008. Current Prosecutors and Judges terms expire in September. 4) Bid opening for Compact Loader for solid waste. Tractor and Equipment Co. awarded bi for $33,461.00, includes trade in equipment. 5) Project Administration bid award for Water Sewer and Gas infrastructure for Polymide Inc. awarded to Morton and Associates of Albertville, Al. 6) Project Engineer award for Polymide project awarded to Nelson & Co, Birmingham, Al. 7) Budget amendment to repair light pole electric outlets around square, not to exceed $500.00. (Top Photos: Aerial View Goose Pond Island and Scottsboro City Hall)
Mr. John Ward is actually Mr. John Orth. He is not just a representative for NX Infrastructure - the company he displayed on his power point, he is their CEO. Yes, that's right...CEO. Also, Mr. Orth is the former CEO of Stelax a now bankrupt company that tried to produce the same materials Mr. Orth requests be produced on Goose Pond. Oh and did I say HE IS THE CEO. Mr. Orth suggested he was an Alabama resident. CEO of a company in Wales is what he is.
Oh and did you catch the part that he doesn't have the funding to build this plant?
And, did he say that he was concerned with the "community". His company's website suggest that their values are about customers, employees and shareholders!!! NOT COMMUNITY. But, if you wait long enough they will probably change their values.
They have a site www.nxinfrastructure.com. Please do your homework and check it out. There's no investor relation information, no history, not alot to look at. Oh, did I tell you he was the CEO???
There's an industrial park waiting for his business in Hollywood.
I guess the question of Mr. Orth vs. Mr. Ward has been answered. The article in todays Daily Sentinel states the gentleman making the presentation is Mr. John Orth.
In fact, Stelax industries went in bankruptcy. the CEO was Harmon Hardy
Then Stelax international has been created , Stelax intl changed his name to NX infrastructure. the CEO is Mr Orth.
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