Once again the New Jersey Media Moguls, Advance Internet, al.com, in conjunction with the local Democrat Party and the TVA have engaged in their common practice of censorship. Previously the censors would temporarily ban the poster. This time around it is a permanent ban, elimination of the account. This is the 11th instance of political censorship, which I'm aware, that has resulted in the removal of citizens accounts that were discussing topics of a political nature and not in violation of al.com's forum policy.
Subjects discussed this time around: Lowell Barron, local Democrat Party lies, TVA and Nuclear Energy Institute, dangers of nuclear power, Browns Ferry problems, TVA secret financing scheme for nuclear reactors, criminal Acts of the Democrat and Republican Parties and abortion. All postings were removed, discussion of these issues and the poster "orobsttocs1" has been permanently banned. This blog, "Watch for Snakes 'n Scottsboro," was formed due to corporate media and government censorship of political speech. Bringing to the public's attention the actions of large corporate media, politicians, governments officials and corporate entities who would endeavor to censor responsible political speech in the United States of America.
It would seem the local Democrat Political powers, the TVA along with the Nuclear Energy Institute and Advance Media/Internet, al.com, do not care for freedom of expression and reasonable discussion of these issues. They are tyrants of the sort which King George would have been proud. It makes me sick that our country and national media has become a tool for corporate politicians and their corporate handler's schemes of deception. Even more sickening is the fact that many of my fellow citizens continue to elect and tolerate criminal politicians and the mountains of lies they generate. It seems that citizens have came to accept and expect that their political leaders will lie and commit crime.
Locally, when unsavory and sometimes criminal acts are shown to have been committed by local politicians and institutions such as the TVA, their corporate handlers perform their acts of tyranny and arrange for local forum postings on al.com to be removed. That is the reason for this blog as there is an active attempt to block citizen thoughts placed into speech. It seems the idea of open expression about political entities and the media is an unbearable conversation for some of our community and corporate leaders.
In Scottsboro, Alabama all this expression and open discussion is a relatively new tool in the support of citizen involvement, education and responsible expression. The local Democrat Party tyrants have attempted to "keep the citizens in their place." It has only been within the past 6 years that responsible citizen speech was allowed at the Scottsboro City Council Meetings, the County Commission still does not allow open citizen speech to express concerns at its meetings. Many times I have been told, "leave town if you don't like the local Democrat Party."
Al.com Scottsboro forum only came about within the past 3 years. There is a battle to control political speech on the Scottsboro al.com forum. If the speech doesn't agree with local politicians, local corporate media's slant, or support corporations such as the TVA, the speech is removed, censored.
It has been evident that the speech removal was the result of government officials intervention. In one instance government officials were caught in the act of censorship concerning discussion of illegal acts concerning management of Goosepond Colony, freely admitting the deed, as if government initiated censorship is a respectable thing to do and not a violation of an individual's rights and the denigration of our community. Corporate media in conjunction with political parties have become the facilitator of creating human mushrooms - "keep them in the dark and feed them crap."
Al.com Scottsboro forum only came about within the past 3 years. There is a battle to control political speech on the Scottsboro al.com forum. If the speech doesn't agree with local politicians, local corporate media's slant, or support corporations such as the TVA, the speech is removed, censored.
It has been evident that the speech removal was the result of government officials intervention. In one instance government officials were caught in the act of censorship concerning discussion of illegal acts concerning management of Goosepond Colony, freely admitting the deed, as if government initiated censorship is a respectable thing to do and not a violation of an individual's rights and the denigration of our community. Corporate media in conjunction with political parties have become the facilitator of creating human mushrooms - "keep them in the dark and feed them crap."
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