Old Business: 1) Report by Mr. Eddie Blizzard on recycling operations. It was reported that 104,000 lbs of recyclable material have been collected. It was suggested by the City Attorney that sealed bids should be taken for the purchase of the recycle material. It was reported that 2 businesses were interested in the material. 2) Rezoning request of the old Aluminum Plant property withdrew by the owners approved. Mr. Chandler of North Island Developers stated that a request for rezoning the property to M1, Light Manufacturing, will be submitted. 3) Rezoning Ordinance rejected due to the withdrawal of the zoning request. 4) Animal Control Ordinance approved. Major changes involve leashes for dogs and cats, tags will be acquired after the rabies vaccination, leash law has been implemented in areas off of owners property (does not apply to cats), hunting exceptions.
New Business: 1) Approved request for a traffic survey at Hwy. 35 and Crawford Rd. 2) One time pay raise approved for city retirees. 3) Budget Amendment for Planning Dept. for $1200 for Building Inspector to attend Building Codes Conference. 4) Change order for the new Police Department, move generator and Engineering for outside area. 5) Appointment to Water Sewer and Gas Board. Mr Matthews and Mrs Dicus was reappointed. 6) Medical Clinic Board Appointments, Ms. Emma Braevet, Mr Ron Bray. 7) Zoning Board of Adjustment, Mr. Eugene Nichols, Ms Jeanine Arnold, part time-Mr. Gene Greer. 8) Historic Preservation Commission, Mrs. Ann Kennamer 9) Architectural Review Board, Mr. Morgan Butler. 10) Access Road Closure approved for the road in front of the High School, closed for a Track and Field Meet on Oct 13, 2008 11) Meeting continued until Sept 2, 2008 to confirm election choices. 12) Mayor was out this evening due to the sickness of his mother; Mr. Thomas was late due to work. 13) City election tomorrow, polls open from 7AM to 7PM, location is the Rec Com on South Houston St.
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