2 years ago I was presented with a group of documents, they demonstrated the possibility that a crime had been commited against the citizens of Jackson County Alabama. This crime involved the diversion of Educational Funds from the coffers of Jackson County Board of Education to the Town of Henagar, Alabama, Henagar is located in Dekalb County. Upon contacting city officials in Henager, Alabama I discovered Henagar did not have a School System. I was also informed by Henagar officials, "this is the way business is accomplished."
Since the documents had the names of Lowell Barron on them I attempted to inquire about these documents to Mr. Barron, first by letter, which was never answered, then by personal interview which was denied. I also contacted the current Board of Education Superintendent, Mr. Jeffrey, his reply to me was that he could not answer any questions about these transactions but he did state to me, "fund transfers of this nature will never occur on my watch."
These documents were turned over to local media, however they were never published and it appears there was no media inquiry published concerning the fund diversion.
Recently the documents were forwarded to the Attorney General of Alabama, Mr. Troy King, requesting an investigation. Also included were documents related to other fund diversions by the Legislative Delegation of Jackson County.
The documents reflect a total of $300, 000 of Education Funds diverted from Jackson County to a non existant school system in the town of Henagar, Alabama, in adjacent Dekalb County. These fund transfers occured between December 1999 and January of 2000. There is a large question remaining. What was the total amount taken, these fund transfers reflect $300K for a 2 month period.? Was there more and why has this not been explained or investigated as there are several others that were aware of this transaction prior to me receiving the documents? Maybe the Attorney General can offer some explanations.
Click on the document pictured for a better view.
I do know that Henagar has a school. I don't know how they would tie it all together but I do know that for a fact. There is a public school in Henagar, AL. I think the grades only go from K through 6th or might be 8th I don't know. There isn't a high school in Henagar, just a younger age school. I think the older kid's either go to Pisgah, Sylvania, or Ider. Anyway, just take care of yourself Gary.
Thanks for your comment. Yes Henagar does have a school. Much like Hollywood, Stevenson and other small town schools in our part of the state they are County Schools. Just as Henagar's School is a Dekalb County School. If you will notice the funds are going to the "Town of Henagar."
It is time this question is answered, either in favor of Mr. Barron or not in favor of Mr. Barron. He and his staff were given an opportunity to explain these documents, they offered no explanation.
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