1) Methane Gas at the Landfill. Presentation by Mr. Blizzard and representative from CDG Engineers and Associates concerning capturing and selling the Methane Gas generated from the landfill site. Estimated costs of collection of the methane was estimated at $736K with an estimated 10 year revenue of $1.2 million. Grants would be available for this project to include corporations paying for the project and sharing revenue with the city. 2) Annual Audit Briefing. Auditors from Birmingham announced they were in town to conduct the annual city audit. 3) Jim Olyniec made presentation on City Walking and Biking Trail plans. Stated that approximate costs of $15K would be necessary for an environmental study for the portions of the trail crossing Roseberry Creek. Another $100K was estimated for "green-way" costs. Grant money would be available for this project. Total estimated costs were stated to be $3.5 million. 4) Dan Berry and Jim Olyniec made presentation concerning Tennis Courts Project costs, total estimated costs for project was estimated at $373-418K. Council President Keith Smith suggested that the unused portions of the outdoor basketball courts could possibly be utilized to save costs. Mr. Olyneic stated he would do some measurements to determine if tennis courts would fit into the space suggested. 5) Larry Roughton of the local TVA Health and Safety Committee made presentation requesting a traffic light be placed at Crawford Rd. and Veterans Dr. due to safety concerns. 6) One time pay raise for city retirees discussion. 7) Discussion concerning budget amendment for Planning Department for travel and training for Building Inspector to attend International Building Codes Conference, cost of $1200. 8) Presentation by Police Chief Ralph Dawe concerning change orders for Police Department renovation. a. Move Emergency Power Generator. b. Hire Civil Engineer for outside site work for grounds and parking areas. 9) Presentation, discussion and review of the following Board Vacancies and Appointments: Water Sewer and Gas Board, City Medical Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Historic Preservation Committee, Architectural Review Board. 9) Short presentation by City Attorney concerning review of Animal Control Ordinance revision. 10) 4 citizens spoke concerning the pending zoning of the old Scottsboro Aluminum Mill Site. It was announced by Mr. Bobby Chandler, co-property owner of the old Scottsboro Aluminum property, that he would reapply for zoning of the area in question to M1 and withdraw the request for M2 zoning. The City Attorney stated another rezoning application would have to be submitted. 11) Citizen Presentation. Mr. Bob Starkey made presentation stating that he had a possible solution to the problem of rezoning of the old aluminum plant. He stated that he has property available adjacent to the old plant site. Mr. Starkey's property is not in the city limits therefore not zoned. 12) Reports: a. Reminder of the upcoming election on Tuesday, August 26th, 2008. b. Defibrillators are being considered for placement into all City Buildings.
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