It has been a while since I have ran a poll. It seems now is a good time since there is an important issue before the Scottsboro City Council.
Do you think the Scottsboro City Council should issue tax payer money to a private, non-profit group for the elimination of aquatic nuisance weeds in Guntersville Reservoir's Dry Creek and Roseberry Creek area? POLL RESULTS: 44 total votes over a 5 day period. There were 20 yes votes, 45%; there were 24 no votes, 55% which were no votes or votes that stated the lakeside homeowners should cleanup around their own boat docks.
Please feel free to make comments on this issue.
If the city council gives money to clean up lake weeds whats next? Where is the state and the TVA, why haven't we heard from them at a city council meetings?
We need tornado shelters, there is a viable project. There are holes and more holes in our streets. Maintainance on city buildings is needed. The lakeside home owners get their weeds taken care of and the rest of the citizens can go to hell.
Looks like the smart one win on this issue!
I have many objections to this as far as people having to pay to take care of TVA's property. I am a current resident on the Roseberry waterfront. They are asking the residents of that water way to pay up to $500.00 or more per household for this cleanup to take place. Yet we have no say so over who uses those water ways.
That is money that can go to our children and our household, I mean that is a utility payment in one chunk that people can not afford to lose. There is a noise ordinance within the city of Scottsboro in which Roseberry creek is within the city limits. Yet they have no control over the fan boats that come around our propertys at all times of the night. That is ridiculous. If you are asking for the individuals who live in the areas surrounding Roseberry creek to pay for the weed control then we the people should have control over who is in our waterways. As far as the members of Scottsboro city having there tax money go for weed control on TVA's property its ridiculous. There are streets that need repaired and other more important issues. Now then as far as the water is concerned, if they wish to charge people to take care of the problem then they need to charge the individuals who are using the water ways through the tax of boat registration and fishing licenses. Not the tax payers who may not ever get to go to these areas. I feel very strongly concerning this matter and will not stand for it. I will have to post this as anonymous but I assure you that I will speak up concerning this to the best of my ability. I am a Roseberry creek residents that's not going to stand for this.
People have to speak out or nothing will be done concerning this matter. Please contact people you know to post on this website so that hopefully the City Counsel will speak up for you and I.
Thank you
Allen Derrick
Allen, thank you for your comment.
While I agree that the weeds are a problem, levying a city-wide tax, or worse levying a tax against just the people who live there, may not be the best way to go about fixing this.
I agree with Mr. Derrick that asking just the homeowners to buck up and pay the money, while having no say on how the waters are used, is criminal.
Think of it like this: If your mother spent hundreds of hours planting her rose garden, she'd probably be pretty upset if, by law, anyone could come through and pick them at will. Or, more appropriately, if they came, picked her flowers, and made a good bit of racket doing it at midnight.
As for the entire city paying--I see more of a case. We all have access to the water, and the overgrowth may be a public concern, especially if you bring up snake infestation and the like. But I still think the smartest thing to do, since the water is owned by neither the city or the homeowners around it, is to wait for state money, or federal money in the form of TVA.
You can't ask people to pay for something they then have no control over how it is used. No taxation without representation, and all that.
"...especially if you bring up snake infestation." Absolutrly, "watch for snakes."
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