Last night was a short meeting with one item on the agenda. Review of contract discussion relating to Barge, Waggoner & Canon. The engineer is working on plans for the expansion of Scottsboro's new recreation complex. The city will pay for the project with a $4 million plus bond issue therefore increasing Scottsboro's debt obligations. City Council members have stated a need for additional recreation facilities. Several citizens have spoke favorably for more recreation facilities.
Citizen presentation: Garry Morgan made presentation in regards to recent discussions related to the CDA, Commercial Development Authority. Previous City Council articles related to the CDA and discussion of the issue: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/07/scottsboro-city-council-what-is-cda.html and http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/07/scottsboro-city-council-meeting.html . Questions were raised in regards to the CDA and how it would be involved in planning. "Why would the CDA need money as it does not have bylaws, there is no budgeted item to fund the CDA?" Morgan stated, "the CDA is not the City Planning Commission, we have a board for that purpose. The CDA does have a purpose but it is not to circumvent the Planning Commission. The CDA may be involved as a liaison to the planning process with existing businesses who may want to expand and new business coming to town. The CDA should serve to make planning easier not take the place of a planning commission."
Morgan suggested, "the city should consult with Auburn University's Economic Development Institute (EDI) prior to implementing any program. City Attorney Steve Kennamer stated, "the city has discussed these issues with Auburn EDI." The city may have discussed these issues with Auburn as Mr. Kennamer states, but the City has not made the public aware of any issue concerning discussions with Auburn concerning the CDA. ( Comment: This writer is very leery of any secretive discussions when the public is not kept informed. It is very important the city keep the voters aware of any major discussions related to the CDA.)
There are several current businesses in Scottsboro who oppose the CDA, these business owners have stated, "the CDA offers an unfair business advantage to new businesses locating in Scottsboro." The CDA offers incentives to current businesses expanding. Several businesses in town have pulled out of the Chamber of Commerce due to the Chamber's support of the CDA.
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