"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cancer Risks and Factors for Jackson County, Alabama or "Assuming the Risks for Bellefonte."

Cancer Photos: Cancer of the Face; Cancer of the Rectum. Gross realities of poisons mutating cells within our body. Fair use for non-profit news reporting, photo credit Jeffrey Melton, MD
The following is relative to cancer risks and factors for Jackson County, Alabama. Risks for cancer increase as more and more carcinogenic poisons enter our environment, a pair of nuclear reactors at Bellefonte compound the risks for our community.

Updates, July 29,2012: link- http://statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov/map/map.withimage.php?01&001&001&00&0&02&0&1&6&0#map Jackson County ranks 10th in Alabama for overall cancer mortality- The death rate is 220.9 with a 95% confidence interval from 204.7 to 238.0 and 141 average annual deaths. North Alabama, as a region, has a high incidence of cancer.

Jackson County (2008 stats) ranks #1 in Alabama for ovarian cancer and #2 for brain cancer, (2012 update-see above stat map, this statistic has changed, although when this article was prepared it was reflected as high. Currently, July 2012, Marshall County leads the state in incidences of brain cancer; ovarian cancer rate is also reflected as a change with Marshall County depicted as 4th in state) http://statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov/incidencerates/index.php?stateFIPS=01&cancer=061&race=00&age=001&type=incd&sortVariableName=rate&sortOrder=default Jackson County ranks high in other cancers.

Compounding risks and factors. In the Cumberland Plateau and surrounding geological area we have a Radon health risk. Radon is a proven carcinogen. We have other environmental pollution problems. Radionuclide's have been present in our drinking and surface water, these reports may be found here, local reports:(Oct 19, 2011, unfortunately the EPA site is broken, the old links are not working. I have requested an active link to the Jackson County, Alabama water quality reports.) However, here is one link that seems to be working: http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/currentregulations.cfm These are the substances reflected in the reports found in Scottsboro's water supply in the past 10 years: Tritium, iodine 131, Strontium 90, Titanium dioxide208. Those substances were also found in Scottsboro's surface water supply, Tennessee River at Scottsboro along with Lead212. (Info on Tritium: http://www.nirs.org/factsheets/tritiumnaturalbackground.pdf Tritium levels frequently exceeded 200 pCi/L in Scottsboro as listed in the NAREL Report linked. Remember, a permissible level does not mean a safe level, ionizing radiation is cumulative. (As the body continues to receive radiation your risk increases for cellular mutations, cancer.)

Stevenson's water supply has been contaminated with known carcinogens, http://oaspub.epa.gov/enviro/sdw_report_v2.first_table?pws_id=AL0000732&state=AL&source=Groundwater&population=4110&sys_num=0 Risk continues to compound.

This German Report reflects problems for children who live near nuclear reactors. http://politicsnpoetry.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/child-cancer-risk-higher-near-nuclear-plants-study/ The translated study: http://www.bfs.de/en/kerntechnik/kinderkrebs/kikk.html

Adding the additional risk of a nuclear power plant compounds the risk of cellular mutations resulting in cancers, radioactive releases do occur. Citizens must realize there are no safe levels of ionizing radiation, permissible levels are not safe levels. Ionizing radiation is cumulative in the body as well as in nature. The more poison you add to your body the higher risk you assume for cancer, radiation is just one poison. Radiation Facts:http://www.nirs.org/radiation/radiationhome.htm Other fact sheets: http://www.nirs.org/factsheets/fctsht.htm
Important, once radiation is introduced into the food chain, radiation is compounded, dosage is increased as the radiation progresses up the food chain. Once the other poisons enter into the equation, before you know it you lead the state in cancers. Do citizens want the additional risk of cancer from a nuclear power plant? Please note the location of Scottsboro's east side water intake from the Bellefonte proposed twin reactors. (Top of page: Art of Bellefonte Units 3&4, map of Scottsboro water  by TVA, fair use rights for non-profit news reporting. Photo of Stop sign with Bellefonte cooling tower G. Morgan)

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