The following persons met with the Commission: 1) John Barnett discussed and requested permission to hold the Crow Mountain Hill Climb, approved by the commission. 2) Keith Britt of the Sand Mountain Park Board, discussions concerning improvements to park. 3) Jim Frost, of the local US Department of Agriculture met with the commission to discuss funds for placing a bridge over Estill Fork of the Paint Rock River. Currently there is a "water crossing" at the location which interferes with endangered species in the creek. Considerable discussion ensued concerning grants available.
There were 5 items on the consent agenda totaling $2774.03. However there were 2 travel expense trips for employees, one was a property appraisal course in Bessemer, Al. and the other was approval for the Alabama County Commission Association Convention in Orange Beach for the County's Commissioners, Engineer, Administrator and EMA Director. These trips will occur in July and August. There were Solid Waste debt write off amounts that were not stated.
Old Business: 1) Minutes approved, Mr. Blizzard abstained, as always, from voting on the minutes of the previous meeting. 2) Solid Waste and Extension Office Building roof replacement discussion. Apparently the bid estimate received did not reflect a roof lining. There was also some confusion of whether the "estimates/bids submitted were a bid or were an estimate. 3) Sheriff Dennis Miller requested additional funds for fuel costs in the amount of $65,000, $60,000 was approved. Fuel cost increases were also discussed for the Solid Waste Department. Mr. Tidmore, Commission Chairman pointed out that the Solid Waste Department is a self supporting organization as required by State law. Any fuel increase costs must be passed on to customers through billing.
New Business: Approval for ditch improvements in Langston along Lakeshore Dr. 2) Approval given to pay for purchases from Wal-Mart of $1,839.56. These expenses were incurred during the Tornado earlier this year in Pisgah and Rosalie communities. 3) Request to increase pay to members of the Northeast Alabama Water, Sewer and Fire Protection District from $100 per month to $150 per month. This was tabled until more information could be obtained. 4) Request for $1500 to Tech School for 11 students to attend Skills Championship in Kansas City. Request approved and the students were appointed as Ambassadors to represent Jackson County. 5)The following Board Appointments and resignations were approved: a) Doug Sisk appointed to 911 Board to replace Tom Warren who moved out of the county; reappointment of Stacy Ledwell to the Jackson County Economic Development Board; motion to accept Dennis Millers resignation from the 911 Board and appoint Jim Miller, Retired Scottsboro P.D. Assistant Police Chief, to the Board. 6) Jackson County Rescue Squad Rodeo program advertisement approved. Paid for from personal funds of commissioners. 7) Payment of Attorneys fees approved. 8) Executive Session approved, involving window installation contract, Kristine Harding of J.H. Partners Architects to meet with Board concerning pending legal action. Commission Chairman stated no vote would occur after session.
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