Old Business: 1) Rezoning Hearing concerning property belonging to Mr. Barnes, Mr. Ayers and Mr. Lackey near Driftwood Shores and along River Ridge. The land owners have received approval from the Planning Commission to rezone the property from a combination of zones, R1, R2, M1, AG to P1 for the purpose of a planned community. Mr. Barnes made a presentation for the rezoning and a spokesperson for the residents of Driftwood Shores made a presentation against the rezoning to include comments that parts of the City Zoning Ordinance are ambiguous. This issue will be decided at the next Regular council Meeting. 2) Rezoning Hearing concerning property in Driftwood Shores that is zoned M1 to R2. No objections were made. Rules were set aside, an ordinance was passed to rezone the area.
New Business: 1) Bid opening for Taxiway and Thresh-hold improvements for airport were accepted and approved. 2) Airport Board Appointment by Mr. Hodges, Mr Don Croft was named. The Mayor also made an appointment to the Airport Board, Mr. Mike Cousins. 3) Computer System approved for purchase for the City Courts. 4) City Election Resolution Notice approved. 5) Voting machine resolution approved. 5) Leave of Absence approved for Fire Chief Melton Potter while he runs for Mayor. 6) Bid opening for Tire Labor costs. League of Municipalities Attorneys stated the method for tire bidding devised and suggested by city council members was not legal. The bids were rejected and it was stated bidding must be accomplished in accordance with state law. 7) Declaration of Surplus Property for Fire Department. 8) Tabled Capital Improvement Funds usage of $250K out of $500K in Federal Streets Improvements funds. 9) Animal Control Shelter report was given by Prison Labor Site Supervisor.
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