Global Warming declared of peek importance concerning our National Security. This announced on tonights NBC News. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25372743/ However it seems this news is actually 4 years old: http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0225-13.htm (I wonder if Arianna will say, "I toldz vou so, Herr Boosh.") More from Common Dreams on this subject: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0222-01.htm also http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0219-02.htm
Folks we need Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency measures now. Fossil fuels and existing nuclear power (No new nuke plants. The mining of uranium and the processing contributes to global warming. There is also the radiation contamination risk.) is only a stop gap for a hydrogen/solar economy. We must immediately take action. The TVA must set a leadership role for Alternative Energy, not nuclear.
TVA, Improve the Dam Fleet Now! That includes the power generation systems. Some parts of the power generation system are over 75 years old. (They don't make e'm like that anymore.)
The TVA must utilize wind and solar energy solutions. Citizens, have been "all out" lied to concerning the viability of solar-voltaics and wind power applicability in this area. The TVA identifies peak wind production areas on the Cumberland Plateau. You do not have to have full sunshine to produce power. New technologies have surfaced and are ready for application. The more solar voltaic plastic sheeting produced the less expense involved. These new industries will grow in vast numbers.
The TVA must utilize wind and solar energy solutions. Citizens, have been "all out" lied to concerning the viability of solar-voltaics and wind power applicability in this area. The TVA identifies peak wind production areas on the Cumberland Plateau. You do not have to have full sunshine to produce power. New technologies have surfaced and are ready for application. The more solar voltaic plastic sheeting produced the less expense involved. These new industries will grow in vast numbers.
Jackson County needs to concentrate in bringing these industries into this area. Hope you get this message Ron Bailey and Dus Rogers, members of the Chamber of Commerce and the citizens EDA, bring alternative energy producers into our vacant industrial parks. Work with the TVA to invest into Alternative Energy. Do it now before someone else makes the move and beats you to the draw.(This was a message that was attempted to be delivered in the BEST/BREDL meeting a couple of months ago at the Rec-Com where no local politicians showed up.) Besides, it will benefit all of us that you not sit on your collective posteriors and do the job you were hired to perform instead of placating the TVA concerning Nuclear Energy!
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