On June 10 our Scottsboro newspaper, The Daily Sentinel, had the following article on its front page about the current manager of Goosepond and the former TVA Guntersville Reservoir Property Manager and a planned marina in Marshall County: http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=8120c4151bb62a99
A close friend had attempted to discuss this issue on Scottsboro's al.com local discussion board. There were several others that were discussing the issue, some were removed some remain. This is not the first time discussion of malfeasance and mismanagement has been removed from al.com's Scottsboro Discussion Board due to government's officials requests.
The following link lists prohibitions of ex-Federal Employees "switching sides." http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2007/janqtr/5cfr2637.201.htm The prohibition in a short paragraph: Basic prohibition of 18 U.S.C. 207 "(a). No former Government employee, after terminating Government employment, shall knowingly act as agent or attorney for, or otherwise represent any other person in any formal or informal appearance before, or with the intent to influence, make any oral or written communication on behalf of any other person (1) to the United States, (2) in connection with any particular Government matter involving a specific party, (3) in which matter such employee participated personally and substantially as a Government employee."
The Manager of Goosepond Colony, Mr. Sosebee has no business being involved with another marina in this area. This link from the Huntsville Times indicates he owns Great Southern Marine. http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/index.ssf?/base/news/120419378415250.xml&coll=1 That is a substantial conflict of interest but yet the Goosepond Colony Board hired him. Mr. Wolfe has no business being involved in representing a private business on Guntersville Lake concerning land acquisitions and dealings of which he was involved as the land manager of the TVA's Guntersville Lake. These are conflicts of interest.
The continued management problems of Goosepond Colony is a thorn in the City of Scottsboro's side. It seems the organization can not be managed and operated by this city without corruption and blatant violations of sensible management and legal requirements. Maybe it is time to sell Goosepond Colony to private enterprise and rid Scottsboro of its inability to manage this organization in a legal, profitable and sensible fashion.
Sounds like you just described David Freeman.
Are you saying David Freeman is like Goosepond or is an ex-Federal Employee?
What does land management policy and Goosepond Colony have to do with David Freeman, who was a political appointee, unless you are speaking about gross mismanagement of the TVA? Besides, David Freeman was expressing his opinion in press releases, which TVA management doesn't like. The ex-Guntersville Lake Land Manager is involved in a deal as a "private consultant" which he worked on as a TVA federal employee to control further development. The TVA is currently on a colossal land development swindle with corporate land developers. The TVA does not have the public's best interest in mind, they have the best interest of their own special interests. Mr. Wolfe is an example of this system.
The TVA has been turned into a political corporate tool to benefit specific corporations dealing in nuclear energy and land development. The TVA's primary mission is to serve the citizens of the valley by providing electricity and maintaining the natural resources, not poisoning of the regions air, water and acting as special interest land sellers of Government land. The TVA is driving itself out of business with its policy of catering to the nuclear and land development corporations. I'll have more to say in a separate article on the big TVA Corporate land swindle, which should be a crime.
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