1) Public Hearing for Zoning change, Driftwood Shores subdivision. Move zoning from M1 manufacturing to R1 residential. 2) Ordinance approved for Driftwood Shores zoning change. 3) Funding for Career Center approved, $5500 from the City. The County and Legislative Delegation also makes contributions. 4)Professional Services contract for Airport improvements, Barge, Wagner, Sumner, & Cannon Engineers, approved. Scottsboro's share of this project concerning engineer services will be approximately $3100, 2% of total grant. 4) Tire bid discussion. It was decided that local dealers will bid for installation, alignment and labor costs. However, dealers must sell the tires to the city at State Bid list cost or less. Mr. Simmons stated the Tire Bid Committee will contact local tire dealers and meet with them concerning this issue. 5) Council on Aging, approved funding amount of $50,741.00 6) Gas & diesel fuel bid openings, M.F. Gardner was approved at 6.5cents per gallon over distributor costs as low bidder. 7) Petroleum Products bid opening, Jackson Co. Oil Co. was approved as lowest bidder. 8) Pool Chemicals for Rec Com bid opening, no company bid. Rec Com Director authorized to negotiate purchases.
Reports: Mayor is recovering from last weeks surgery. Mr. Smith stated Scottsboro's Recycling Program is off to a good start and they are looking for buyers of the gathered recyclable waste products.
I have sent a letter to the City Clerk asking to bid on the recyclable material collected by the City of Scottsboro.
Morris Necklaus
Recycling for Scottsboro
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