After receiving approval from the Jackson County Commission for a 25 minute presentation by the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League about the dangers of nuclear power the commission denied, at the commission meeting, the time previously granted in writing to make the presentation. District 4 Commissioner Horrace Clemmons made a motion to remove the item from the agenda and stated, "you may make the presentation at the work session." Mr. Gaylon Stone seconded the motion, however the motion was not approved by a vote of the commission. Ms. Bias, Commission Chairperson, stated I could have 5 minutes. The following is a memorandum concerning this incident.
>(1) Email to Jackson County Commission per instruction from County Commission Clerk after being given Ms. Bias's personal cell phone number to request approval, called there was no answer, left message, there was no return phone call. However, I called the Commission and spoke to the clerk, she informed me to submit an email request:
"Hi Anna, Per our phone conversation at 3PM today. The TVA thru the EDA has requested local government bodies to recommit to the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant construction project thru a Resolution of Support for the Bellefonte Project. If you have not received the TVA/EDA resolution request it is expected you will receive a request in the near future. Our message is important, it involves the future health and economic stability of future Jackson County citizens. There are those of us in Jackson County that do not believe the TVA has the best interest of the community in mind concerning Bellefonte and Nuclear Power. I have seen this request for a resolution. We of the Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team ( BEST ) Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) believe there is a better way to meet our future energy needs without the risk of nuclear power. We have facts and information to present to you concerning the risks of leaving a RADIOACTIVE waste dump legacy for future Jackson County citizens. We have a solution to this problem. We would like the opportunity to have representative local county citizens, Ms. Heather Bradley of Stevenson and Ms. Elizabeth Johnson of Scottsboro to tell you briefly about their concerns. Mr. Lou Zeller, Science Director of the Blue Ridge Environmental Group and Ms. Sandy Kurtz of BEST have a short summary which explains the risks and the alternatives. I, Garry Morgan, will introduce the folks and give a brief introductory presentation. We realize your time is very important but the full story of nuclear power and our solution for the citizens of Jackson County is equally important. We firmly believe our solution is safer, 3 billion dollars less expensive, has less risk and will employ more Jackson County Citizens at our Industrial Parks without the legacy of dangerous, RADIOACTIVE Waste. We respectfully request an audience before the Jackson County Commission on Monday Feb. 8, 2010. The total amount of time should take less than 25 minutes."
(2) Reply from the County Commission Clerk:
Mrs. Sadie has placed you on the agenda for February 8th, 2010. She also wanted me to tell you that no one has said anything about a resolution.
Anna Lewis
Commission Clerk
Jackson County Commission
Anna Lewis
Commission Clerk
Jackson County Commission
(3) Memorandum concerning incident forwarded to individuals involved:
(3) Memorandum concerning incident forwarded to individuals involved:
Memo for the Record.
After being instructed by Ms. Lewis via phone conversation that I needed to send an email to her concerning our group request(see attached email...), which I did, and previously leaving a message with the Chairperson of the Commission on her cell phone, per instructions from the clerk, (I was told Ms. Bias, Chairperson of the Commission was out sick but I could call her on her cell phone.) explaining our group request on Wed. Feb 3rd., which I did, not receiving a return call, then receiving the confirmation below from the clerk concerning our request via the email below with the specific requests in regards to time and people requesting to speak. Then calling the county commission clerk to confirm the group request was granted as stated in the email, which was confirmed, one would think all was in order.
I was told today by the Commission Chair that only I could speak for 5 minutes. The Commission also attempted, via Mr. Clemmons' motion, to amend the agenda by removing me from the agenda at today's meeting, the motion did not pass, a tie vote was broke by Ms. Bias. I spoke for the 5 minutes, mostly in protest to the treatment members of our group received and mentioning the 7 million pounds of nuclear waste present at the Tennessee River Valley Nuclear Plants. It was suggested that our group return for the work session. That is not possible since our Science Director has traveled over 250 miles to make this presentation, plus he has other commitments next week and others have work commitments. I asked after the meeting was adjourned if anyone of the commissioners would care to hear the concerns of their constituents that had showed up for the commission meeting. Not one commissioner bothered to inquire about the specific concerns of the citizens present in our group.
Garry Morgan
After being instructed by Ms. Lewis via phone conversation that I needed to send an email to her concerning our group request(see attached email...), which I did, and previously leaving a message with the Chairperson of the Commission on her cell phone, per instructions from the clerk, (I was told Ms. Bias, Chairperson of the Commission was out sick but I could call her on her cell phone.) explaining our group request on Wed. Feb 3rd., which I did, not receiving a return call, then receiving the confirmation below from the clerk concerning our request via the email below with the specific requests in regards to time and people requesting to speak. Then calling the county commission clerk to confirm the group request was granted as stated in the email, which was confirmed, one would think all was in order.
I was told today by the Commission Chair that only I could speak for 5 minutes. The Commission also attempted, via Mr. Clemmons' motion, to amend the agenda by removing me from the agenda at today's meeting, the motion did not pass, a tie vote was broke by Ms. Bias. I spoke for the 5 minutes, mostly in protest to the treatment members of our group received and mentioning the 7 million pounds of nuclear waste present at the Tennessee River Valley Nuclear Plants. It was suggested that our group return for the work session. That is not possible since our Science Director has traveled over 250 miles to make this presentation, plus he has other commitments next week and others have work commitments. I asked after the meeting was adjourned if anyone of the commissioners would care to hear the concerns of their constituents that had showed up for the commission meeting. Not one commissioner bothered to inquire about the specific concerns of the citizens present in our group.
Garry Morgan
In other business per link from the Huntsville Times article from David Brewer: http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/local.ssf?/base/news/1265710517244150.xml&coll=1
In other business per link from the Huntsville Times article from David Brewer: http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/local.ssf?/base/news/1265710517244150.xml&coll=1
Consent agenda approved: 1) $2737.50 payment approved to Tennessee Valley Family Services, Jan.2010. 2) County Attorney fee for January 2010, $4004.10
Consent agenda approved: 1) $2737.50 payment approved to Tennessee Valley Family Services, Jan.2010. 2) County Attorney fee for January 2010, $4004.10
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