Last night the Jackson County Park Board held their monthly board meeting. this meeting is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, currently the meeting time is 5PM at the park office. Notice of the meeting is posted outside the door of the park office so the public may see the meeting time and place, this has not always been the case.
The early spring storms last year dealt a devastating blow to the Jackson County Park. There was much destruction to public as well as private property. Unfortunately the park has been slow to rebuild. Part of these problems were due to miscommunication and a lack of cooperation from the Jackson County Commission in approving funding from FEMA.
Monday, Feb 22, 2010 the Jackson County Commission passed a measure to begin the bidding process of rebuilding the park. At the park board meeting's end an opportunity was provided for questions from the media present, yours truly was the only one present. Mr. Hugh Whisenant, Park Board Chairman, stated, "We have lost close to $150,000 in revenue since the spring storms last year." When asked about the Jackson County Commission interfering with the parks operation Mr. Whisenant replied, "There was previous miscommunication, since the commission has indicated they will begin the process of bidding out the needed reconstruction we think the process of rebuilding will begin very shortly after the bidding process and award of the bid to a contractor to perform the work."
Jackson County Park Board meeting outline.
Old Business: A) Discussion on winterizing of boats and campers. It was discussed that some campers do not properly winterize their equipment which includes turning off water where appropriate. This results in busted pipes or outside spickets. The board approved a rule, if "patron" neglect results in damage to public park property the person responsible will be required to pay for damages. B) Discussion concerning park traffic flow. The park manger will be working on this situation. The board approved for the manager to resolve the situation. C) The board approved a meter reading fee of $5 to be included in the parks boat slip rental fees. D) Signs were approved for park vehicles. The signs will conform to rules adopted previously by the county commission .
Managers Report: A) Park camping spot application was discussed. Vehicle and boat Identifications as well as personal information concerning campers will be included on camp ground patron application form. The board consensus was this was a managerial action to be handled by the park board manager. B) Revised rules for camp ground were approved. C) Insect control spraying was approved for the boat docks to begin early spring. D) "Personal Holidays" of park employees must be used annually or will be lost as approved by the board. E) FEMA campers acquired by the park previously for usage in the aftermath of the 2008 storms now have the titles. The disposition of these campers was tabled until the next meeting.
New Business: A) Discussion and approval of a 3% pay raise for park employees. One board member dissented questioning whether the park could afford the raise at this time. It was stated the total cost of the raise would be $3400 annually.
Citizen Comments: A) Mr. Marvin Holcomb: Mr Holcomb complained about 2 issues, 1) Permanent campers residing in the park. 2) Marona Circle, Mr. Holcomb stated there was never an approval for the road to be named Marona Circle. He further stated he had personally removed the sign on a previous occasion. B) Mr. Reb Engle spoke representing boaters and campers within the park. Mr. Engle expressed a concern over the lack of progress concerning rebuilding the park. Mr. Whisenant stated that he thought progress was now being made as a result of the county commission moving forward with the bid announcement related to park reconstruction. Mr. Engle mentioned to me after the meeting he was prepared to come forward with 150 people, patrons of the park, to bring forward their complaint to the county commission if necessary. Yes Mr. Engle, at times when our elected political leaders fail us, the citizens of Jackson County, it becomes necessary to remind them of their responsibilities.
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