The below post was overbearing for the al.com Scottsboro forum editorial staff. http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/02/political-strategy-media-and-propaganda.html Most of the mentioned post was posted on al.com's Scottsboro forum. The editorial nazis found it necessary to censor, remove all forum postings by zz99aa. All the postings removed were related to equal opportunity, ending of institutional and personal racism, nuclear power risks and non-support of nuclear power. Also removed were facts gathered regarding individuals within the forum which have threatned people and have rendered terrorist threats condoned by the forums management. Removed were the connections between right wing extremist groups, the Republican Party and the forums editorial process. Removed are plans to close the Huntsville Times Northeast Alabama office, excessive liberal news is more than the rightwingers can stand??
This is not the first time that editorial personnel from Advance Internet's "al.com" Scottsboro forum have censored speech and banned forum names from the Scottsboro forum based on political speech. http://www.al.com/forums/scottsboro/index.ssf The fascist and right wing extremists can't stand the truth.
You must learn when you are on someones turf you have to play by their rules
Thank you for your comment.
Abiding by the rules is the problem, this includes the editors of al.com, they do not follow the publications own rules.
When you have editors who remove postings that are truthful, political, contain no attacks or profanity but may not agree with those editors ideologies, the edotors then remove postings due to their personal non-agreement that is censorship, rules have nothing to do with it except the editorial staff do not follow their own rules.
This would be like me not posting your comment because I do not agree with it. I can understand al.com MODERATING postings which contain threats and profain speech. Unfortunately, they have allowed postings to remain which threaten people but remove postings which do not agree with right wing extremism.
The al.com forums are their forums, they certainly have the right to remove whatever posting they wish. Just as I have the right to complain about their Nazi like editorial practices and tell everyone about their unprofessional editorial administration.
The comments I have made are made by other groups and professional individuals who monitor forums and the Internet; the tendency of Advance Publications Internet staff editors to CENSOR postings not in violation of rules but contrary to personal ideologies of the editorial staff has been an ongoing situation since the message board has been in operation.
To call the forum a forum is a kick in the teeth to Webster's Dictionary. It is nothing other than a controlled message board by an editorial staff who reflect their personal ideologies into its content.
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