There was no old business. New Business: 1) Council Resolution 2010-02-02, bid was approved for recycled materials. 2) Council Resolution 2010-02-01, Declaration and sale of surplus property at Rec-Com, includes auto, funds from sales to be placed into Rec-Com's capital expense fund. 3) Ordinace declaring property surplus was not approved at this meeting but will be placed on the agenda at the next council meeting. Property involved is the old police station on John T. Reid Parkway. There was no motion to set aside the rules in order to bring the issue to the table for a vote. The property must be declared surplus before it may be sold. 4) Vacancies on the Personnel Board, Museum Board and the Tree Commission announced, from the Jan 26 meeting regarding deadline and info on positions available: Personnel Board 2 vacancies; Tree Commission 2 vacancies; Museum Commission 1 vacancy for completion of term. All requests for Board or Commission placement must be submitted to the City Clerk by Monday 15 February, 2PM. 5) After a 2 minute recess, the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League made a presentation outlining concerns of nuclear energy. Local concerned citizens along with subject matter experts expressed facts about why nuclear power is not a good idea for Bellefonte. Alternative solutions were submitted to the council. 3 local citizens expressed concerns indicating why they did not want nuclear power at Bellefonte. Within the near future the City Council will be voting on a resolution of support concerning Bellefonte and nuclear power. 6) The Mayor announced a Green Energy grant approval for methane recovery at the Scottsboro land fill. Story from the Huntsville Times: http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/local.ssf?/base/news/1265710579244150.xml&coll=1
what was the bid for the recyclabe material?
Thanks for asking, $20.00 per ton.
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