You ain't going to find better bass fish'n than on Lake Guntersville. Ol' Sally resides in this area. I've seen this female monster Bass, she has bit the legs off of my rubber frogs on at least 2 occasions during the spring and summer. I have watched her feed in the shoals near the old North Sauty Creek Channel. This bass would be close to a world record large mouth bass if not exceeding the record. It appears she is close to 36 inches in length.
Guide service is available in this area.

Last night there were 2 sessions held, the first was a work session and the second a continuation of last Mondays Regular meeting for the purpose of passing a grant request related to the landfill methane energy project.
1) Discussion of landfill methane project by CDG Engineering. The representative could not be present due to in-climate weather. However, the Mayor and Mr. Blizzard discussed the matter via phone conference earlier in the day.
The project will be completed in 3 phases costing a total of $1.57 million dollars. The project must be complete by the end of June 2012, There is $500K of grant money being made available thru the "Federal Stimulus Package. " The city is applying for other grants for this project. The Mayor stated that even if we had to borrow money for the project the loan would pay for itself through the reselling of power to the TVA. It was also stated that existing personnel resources would be utilized and trained for site maintenance.
Phase 1-methane capture; Phase 2- energy conversion; Phase 3- generate electricity. This project was approved in the City Council Regular Meeting continuation.
Councilman Thermon Bell commented, "This is a win win situation for the City." The city will receive approximately $400K annually from energy sales to the TVA. The landfill electrical power usage will be completely covered by this project. according to city officials.
It was stated that the total amount of energy generated is estimated to be 4 million Kilowatt hours per year.
2) RDS, (ALATAX) discussion concerning city tax collection and auditing program.
3) Goose Pond Colony update and presentation by Mike Bagget, Chairman of the City Parks and Recreation Board, better known as the Goose Pond Colony Board. Mr. Bagget stated the biggest problem for the past year was the storm and tree damage as a result of last years storms. He stated he was very pleased with the cleanup and all the volunteer efforts involved in the clean up. He stated the golf course was down for 2 days while the cabins and campground continued running. This allowed for a continuous revenue stream in support of the park.
An overview of projects completed and future project plans were given:
a) $300K of debt was eliminated. Mr. Bagget indicated their management philosophy has been to insure no borrowing of money. "We will pay our own way without borrowing money." (The Goose Pond Board deserves a salute for their accomplishments in reference to their financial management. ) It was reported since 2006 the current board has decreased their debt by $1.2 million dollars. $5.3 million of debt remains.
b) Capital expense projects were outlined: (1) Sewer project in campground; (2) Bathroom facilities at the marina.
c) Future plans include a contractor providing boat rentals and a bicycle rental program.
The following events were outlined:
a) Scottish Festival-4500participants; b) Big Bass Splash-1000 participants; c) 60 Fishing Tournaments annually; d) National Junior College golf Tournament, 45 schools participated; e) spring Fling college Tournament where 9 schools participate. (It is obvious Goose Pond Colony is a tremendous asset to Scottsboro bringing in millions of tourist dollars annually. The current staff and managing board have pulled this facility from a "frogs hair" of bankruptcy to it current financial state of sound standing, bravo ladies and gentleman of GPC, bravo. You make this citizen and I know others very proud of you. )
4) Forever Wild Program discussion of Resolution of Support for the Walls of Jericho park. A Constitutional Amendment is before the state legislature.
>5) Discussion for CDA, Commercial Development Authority, selection of board members.
6) Discussion of surplus property, the old Police Station on John T. Reid Parkway.
7) Presentation by the Jackson County Rescue Squad. They are in need for a new rescue boat. It was commented the current boat has literally fell apart, the transom has been welded 3 times. The cost is $11,900. The City council discussed committing to 1/3rd of the cost to be shared by the County Commission and the Legislative Delegation. ( The Rescue Squad does a fantastic job. They receive very little tax support, all are volunteers. A salute goes out to the members of the Jackson County Rescue Squad, a great bunch of folks. )
Reports: The Mayor mentioned there was a need for 2010 Census workers for the Jackson County area.
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