Once more draconian media editors of Advance Internets "al.com's" Scottsboro Forum removes my posts and forum account. Below you will find the latest example of draconian editing. This is an exact copy of the post that resulted in my ban. This post was listed after attacks on posters supporting our Democrat President and the idea of Classical Liberalism. Criminal threats by the extremist have also been made. I have been banned from posting while extremist posters making threats remain, it would seem the extremists are encouraged to express ideology supporting hate speech and racism.
Update- Feb 16, 2010: It appears some of the extremist posters are the moderator/editors of the site as evidenced by this posters comment. "7078... 2/16/10 0:48 ET... hey zz you can come out and play now. by joepepitone" You should know as the site editor, since my forum name has been reinstated immediately prior to your comment. No thank you, I do not wish to put up with the harassment from the draconian editors on your message board.
This explains why reasonable comments are removed and ridiculous threatening comments from your several names and constantly changing names remain. Is Mr. Weinberger aware of your shenanigans?
Posting # 7071.1 Date & Time: 2/13/10-10:35ET
"I have noticed some people revel in the removal of the truth and foster lies. I wonder why that would be?"
"In studying history the tool of the tyrannical fascist has been the squashing of liberty and the basic right of responsible, truthful expression of political opposing speech, whether it be in media or public."
"Individuals or groups do not have to agree with the idea conveyed in the speech, but to attack the ideology of the First Amendment while practicing deceit, fostering fascist propaganda and quashing responsible speech does not speak well for the future of our society."(end of post)
Within "al.com's" Scottsboro Forum extremist verbal threats have been made on the President of the U.S., there have been threats to burn a church, there have been personal threats made to me.
>Within "al.com's" Scottsboro Forum extremist verbal threats have been made on the President of the U.S., there have been threats to burn a church, there have been personal threats made to me.
I have opposed right wing extremist attacks and racist expression. The extremists in turn only make more threats. Then, al.com's editors remove my speech and ban me for attempting to oppose the extremism expressed, while allowing and thus encouraging extremist, threatening speech to continue.
It is my belief that this failure of responsible editorial practice is carried forth for the express purpose of placing forward extremist right wing ideology in opposition to a Democrat, African American, Liberal President.
The draconian editorial action by this media organization supports right wing extremism and at times racism. This on the back of revelations that the Huntsville Times intends on closing the local Jackson County Bureau Office. The Huntsville Times parent organization is Advance Publications, the parent organization of "al.com"/Advance Internet. By closing the Times Bureau office in Jackson County, news from the Huntsville Times in Jackson County is removed from the "national media stream." Jackson County has historically been an Alabama Democrat Party bastion for many years.
Right wing extremist ideology has been expressed in the State Sovereignty Resolution, SJR 27, passed by the full legislature. This resolution supports the abolition of Federal Law such as the Civil Rights Act while supporting the notion that the state has the right to secede from the United States. This extremist right wing ideology is insane and supportive of fascism. Link on my article about SJR 27: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2010/01/sovereignty-resolutionsecession-or.html
One of the reasons I began this blog more than 2 years ago was to oppose (due to responsible political speech censorship) the extremist, draconian editorial practices of the media giant, Advance Publications/Advance Internet, the largest privately held media organization in the United States. It has a long history of draconian editorial practices wherever its forums exist.
It is their publication, they may do with it as they will, to include the removal of responsible speech. Due to their practice it should not be surprising to them when individuals and groups protest their irresponsible editorial policy. Perhaps they should consider the words of the former Editor-in Chief of CBS News, Tony Burman, "Every news organization has only its credibility and reputation to rely on." It appears al.com's forums editorial staff have peculiar extremist editorial ethics.
It is their publication, they may do with it as they will, to include the removal of responsible speech. Due to their practice it should not be surprising to them when individuals and groups protest their irresponsible editorial policy. Perhaps they should consider the words of the former Editor-in Chief of CBS News, Tony Burman, "Every news organization has only its credibility and reputation to rely on." It appears al.com's forums editorial staff have peculiar extremist editorial ethics.
You, the reader may wonder, why do I care, why waste time? Advance Internet's "al.com," Scottsboro forum is a communications tool for the average citizen. Its existence allows for real time communication outside of the standard one way media communications. To control this forum controls the ability of citizens expression to the community as a whole. To control the forum exclusively for the purpose of fostering the extremist right wing ideology of the Republican Party's fringe element is in support of fascism and not the American Republic. The local forum's editorial support of extremism and fascist ideology reflects on the management of Advance Publications and its subordinate media enterprises which include The Huntsville Times, The Birmingham News and the Mobile Press Register among other publications and internet forums and news outlets nationally.
Garry the sooner you learn you cannot say anything you want to on a forum the better off you will be.
Why dont you build you a website and then you could say anything you would like to say within reason of course all things has limitations.
I know you will read this and then delete it but I didnt want you to put it on your blog anyway I just wanted you to see it.
Your comment is humorous. I built this site because of the continuous censorship of political speech on al.com.
I never delete postings within unless there is gross, profane language included.
There is another forum which I help pay for through contributions which does not delete postings. It is the "North AlabamaNOW Forums" linked on this blogs front page, top right column.
Your comment is humorous because what you suggest was accomplished more than 2 years ago due to the draconian antics of al.comcom's forum editors.
Limitations on our Constitutional Right of reasonable expression of political speech? If you support limiting responsible political speech then you would have made King George the 3rd a wonderful Tory.
What were you saying about my deleting postings?
Dont think I said anything about you deleting anything.
This is not a website it is a blog where someone else controls it.
I am talking about renting space on the net and building it from scratch.
I was on NAN once but Patrick dont know how to treat people so I left and have had no desire to return.
Your quote, "I know you will read this and then DELETE it..." Does this indicate you don't know what you write?
You say, Patrick doesn't know how to treat people. Maybe the problem is you. On the NOW forum there is no cancel someone else's post such as on al.com. Within the NOW forum a poster must deal with the speech or get off the forum.
You also say, "I am talking about renting space on the net and building it from scratch." Maybe I do not want to rent space, I'm happy with what I have. If that does not fit into your or others world, I do not care.
My problem with al.com is they call it a forum, that is not true. It is a heavily moderated message board. It is not a forum by definition in any sense. A forum by definition is, "a public meeting or assembly for open discussion." There is no open discussion on al.com.
For al.com to claim their message boards are a "forum" is like me claiming this blog is a TV show neither is true.
I was only trying to lend a hand but I can see you dont want it so
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