Friday, November 28, 2008
New "Cracker Barrel, Old Country Store" or the New "Buena Vista" Restaurant?"
Monday, November 24, 2008
Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Old Business: 1) Public Hearing on the rezoning of Goose Pond Island old aluminum plant property from R1 to M1. 5 citizens spoke for the property to be rezoned, a petition with over 500 local residents signatures was presented for the rezoning initiative. The North Island Investment Group made a presentation supporting restrictive covenants on property usage. 2 citizens spoke in favor of retaining the R1, Residential Zoning designation for the property. It was pointed out that statements had been presented to the public in Chamber of Commerce publications by developers that the property in question would be utilized for usage as identified in residential zoning. 2) Consider Zoning Ordinance. Tabled, postponed until further information could be acquired by the new council members and the proposed covenant restrictions could be reviewed.
New Business: 1) Polymide Water Sewer and Gas Bid Opening approval. The low bid was awarded to Lambert Construction Co. of Stevenson for $166,076.10 for infrastructure improvement of the Polymide Plant area. 2) Air;port Resolution approved for improvements and agreement with Alabama Department of Transportation, $34,310.00 3)Mayor Potter announced, Cpt. Chris White was approved for the Fire Chief's position, the City Council approved, effective Dec. 1, 2008. 4) Council Members Gary Speers and Thermon Bell made Board Appointments for committees they sit as Chairman. 5) Mayor Potter announced that Dec. 26, 2008 will be a Holiday for the City of Scottsboro. The 24th thru the 26th of December will be the Christmas Holiday dates for the City of Scottsboro.
Mayor's and Other Reports: Dec. 1 at 6PM will be the Christmas Parade; Thursday and Friday Nov. 27 & 28 will be a Holiday period for the City of Scottsboro. The next City Council Meeting will be Dec. 8, 2008 at 6PM. City Budget Hearings will continue on Dec. 8, 9, & 11, 2008 at 4:30PM.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Some Folks Often Ask the Question:

Notes about nuclear energy from a speech made by David Orr in New Jersey. Orr is the Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies at Oberlin College.
Nuclear is a "one-mistake industry." A nuclear power plant 50 miles from Oberlin was within two weeks of a core meltdown, and was prevented only by a workman accidentally breaking through a decaying wall, not by any routine inspection. Nuclear energy is VERY expensive, and has survived only because of giant taxpayer subsidies. The disadvantages of nuclear energy include (1) the great taxpayer subsidies, (2) its risk of disaster, which is tolerated only because of the Price-Anderson Act that promises that taxpayers will bail out the cost of any disaster, (3) its lack of safety, (4) the fact that it is vulnerable to those who want to use it for weapons proliferation, (5) its cost, (6) questions about the net energy when considerations of mining, transport, and containment are included, (7) concerns about waste storage, (8) and costs of de-commissioning the plants.
Nuclear is a "one-mistake industry." A nuclear power plant 50 miles from Oberlin was within two weeks of a core meltdown, and was prevented only by a workman accidentally breaking through a decaying wall, not by any routine inspection. Nuclear energy is VERY expensive, and has survived only because of giant taxpayer subsidies. The disadvantages of nuclear energy include (1) the great taxpayer subsidies, (2) its risk of disaster, which is tolerated only because of the Price-Anderson Act that promises that taxpayers will bail out the cost of any disaster, (3) its lack of safety, (4) the fact that it is vulnerable to those who want to use it for weapons proliferation, (5) its cost, (6) questions about the net energy when considerations of mining, transport, and containment are included, (7) concerns about waste storage, (8) and costs of de-commissioning the plants.
Furthermore, there have been serious compromises with civil liberties around nuclear power plants. The need to protect the facilities from terrorists amplifies serious civil liberty issues. "Nuclear power is slow, undemocratic, dangerous, and expensive," Orr concluded. {From the Sierra-Club's " Tennessee News"]
Links: TVA Debt- Public Citizens Report on TVA Debt 13 years ago: Not much has changed in reference to TVA Debt. All involving the TVA-
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Goose Pond Colony (GPC) Board Meeting, Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board.

Tough situation for the Board. Mr. Baggett pointed out the $5 million dollar debt looms over the head of the current board. It was pointed out that the current board is doing all they can do to maintain the facility and to pay down the debt. The current board appears to be making a decent effort to resolve long standing problems. The Park Board and the Park Managers are demonstrating caring, professional management in the Daily Operations of the Park. The Gross income for the current period was listed as $283K; expenditures are listed at $277.1 The Park Manager stated the annual audit was ongoing.
Once Again the Media Tyrants and the local Alabama Bourbon Democrats at Work, Non-Accountable Government and a Story of Army Medicine

The local Scottsboro message board,, moderators erased my political postings and that of others concerning the demand for accountable government. Seems the local Legislative Bourbon Democrats do not like the truth. Their control of local discussion media is tyrannical, atrocious and just plain anti-American. It would seem the band of Bourbon Democrat Tyrants hold true to their historic description,, a white supremacist attitude of control. They don't discriminate by race any longer as that would place themselves in the grips of Federal Control. Their current tactic is to censor private citizens with the assistance of their media accomplice, Advance Media's "" Control over the content of media reaches new heights of tyrannical repression by these local Democrat Legislators. It seems they have formed an allegiance of tyrany against opposing political positions expressed through responsible, challenging political speech. Whether the local populace gives a darn about the political control of local Internet Discussion media is another story all together. Citizens seem to fail to grasp the idea that it is the express purpose of these political tyrants to eliminate the discussion capabilities of any opposing political opposition. This was the reason for the continuing disruption antics of the troll employee and political representative of the Local Legislative Delegation. This is the reason for the latest round of political censorship of's Scottsboro discussion Board. This is the reason this blog was formed nearly 1 year ago. These tactics , I believe are orchestrated by and within Jackson County's Legislative Delegation and carried forth by the news organizations controlling editors at the Huntsville Times thru political influence of Mr. Barron himself as the leader of these Bourbon tyrants. They still attempt to practice their tyrany of a Plantation Master attitude of the White Rooster wing of the Democrat Party, the Bourbons. They just ain't happy unless they can discriminate against folks by showing their egotistical penchant for power and control. If they would concentrate half the effort to offer responsible, accountable examples of leadership we would all be much better off.
Here is a story from the Huntsville Times that discusses Medical Care at Redstone Arsenal and the Wounded Warriors program: I would have entered a discussion on the Huntsville Message Board but my forum name has been banned, account eliminated. This message pops up:
"OOPS! You have entered an invalid nickname or password. Please try again." Link to Scottsboro Board: Enter lost1gained2 on the "Search the Forum Keyword Search" the old "OOPS" message will be the return.
"OOPS! You have entered an invalid nickname or password. Please try again." Link to Scottsboro Board: Enter lost1gained2 on the "Search the Forum Keyword Search" the old "OOPS" message will be the return.
>>>About the Army Medical Care Story
This story fails to mention the direct medical care involving physicians. The story also fails to mention if Col. Mark Smith is a Medical Corp Officer or MSC, Medical Service Corp Officer. The MSC Officer would not necessarily be a patient care provider. Although it used to be AMEDD's, Army Medical Department, policy to assign only Medical Corp Officers, Licensed Certified Physicians to Command positions. The article is a feel good political article and does not express the quality of direct Medical Care provided by this facility.
I am a U.S. Army, Retired AMEDD Administrator and one of many founding members of the AMEDD Regiment. The real question is not answered, what is the quality and frequency of Direct Physician care and adjunct treatment for these Wounded Warriors.
Another fact not stated, the U.S Army's comprehensive Medical Care System of Major Medical Centers has been practically eliminated. Whose fault is that, not the Army, but Congress. Funds for the AMEDD were reduced due to cuts in force reduction during the Clinton Administration. AMEDD has not recovered due to those funding cuts.
Scottsboro City Council Work Session

1) Kevin Eagen of Judicial Correction Services presentation concerning annual contract review discussion of City Courts fine collections and probation management. 2) Dr. Clyde Butler presentation concerning safety issue at intersection of Jefferson Dr. and intersection of Taylor St. down the west side of Taylor Drive. Dr. Butler indicated the ditch is very deep in that area and inquired as to a guard rail or drainage tile being placed in that area. It was reported that there have been serious vehicle accidents in this area including a death from vehicles crashing into the ditch. 3) Presentation by Water, Sewer and Gas Board (WSG) Director Mr. Roy Light concerning Scottsboro Industrial Park in Hollywood infra-structure project. This is Phase 3 of the WSG project. According to Mr. Light there has been $126K in Federal funds appropriated for this project, there is $123K in local funds needed. 50% of the funds have been requested from the Jackson County Legislative Delegation and 50% from the city of Scottsboro. 4) Mr Light also gave a report on the Polymide Corporation WSG project bid opening. The low bid was awarded to Lambert and Company as low bidder at $166K. 5) City Clerk report on Airport Resolution concerning Federal Funds for Airport improvements. 6) Change in Business License Ordinance discussion, presented by Mr. Wheeler.
Reports: Mayor- 6 applicants for Fire Chief are being reviewed by the Fire Chief Selection Committee. Mayor Potter stated the committee should have a selection by next Monday's Council meeting. Other Reports: Budget Hearings will begin on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 8:30AM at City Hall. Public Hearing on Goose Pond Island zoning change of old Aluminum Plant Property and building from R1, single Family Residential to M1, Light Manufacturing will occur at the Nov 24, 2008 meeting at 6PM.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Nuclear Plant Proposals and NRC Failures

NEWS RELEASE Contact: Jim Warren, 919-416-5077
November 13, 2008 *Additional contacts below
Nuclear Plant Proposals Challenged by Southeast, National Groups
Legal Action Says Westinghouse Design is Plagued by Flaws, Four Years’ Delay
DURHAM, NC – An attempted revival of U.S. nuclear power is plagued by design problems that have severely delayed federal approval of the reactor most chosen by utilities hoping to build new plants. A coordinated legal action announced today by watchdog groups across the Southeast and in Washington challenges the licensing process by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as unlawful.
The NRC has canceled a 2007 pledge to review and re-certify the standard design by 2011, and has missed several deadlines for committing to a new timetable. The groups say plant designs must be completed and genuinely certified before the agency or others can assess safety and financial risks of the multi-billion dollar projects.
The Westinghouse AP1000 was pronounced “certified” by the NRC in January 2006, a step deemed vital to standardizing the blueprint before utilities began filing applications late last year to build and operate the plants. Since then, problems involving major components and operating systems have multiplied.
The NRC cannot approve a plant’s license until the design is fully certified. But continuing design modifications have created a quandary for NRC staff and opponents trying to review the license applications by Progress Energy, TVA, Duke Energy, Southern Company, SC Electric and others. Applications are deeply rooted in more than 6,500 pages of technical design documents, and the agency is attempting to review and approve the complex and evolving design separately from the applications themselves.
Westinghouse recently submitted the 17th version of the AP1000 design, but all the plant applications are based on an earlier, uncertified version. The seven organizations filing legal action contend that the utilities are now required to resubmit applications based on the latest design.
“The NRC appears to be making up the process as they go,” said Sara Barczak of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, a regional group contesting plants in Georgia and elsewhere. “The application and design reviews are leap-frogging each other, but both keep sliding backward.”
The alliance is filing parallel motions in various NRC proceedings across the Southeast involving Westinghouse projects. Similar motions are being filed this month by attorneys for Texas and Virginia opponents of a General Electric design that’s being plagued by similar flaws. The groups are also coordinating opposition in state rate commissions and other venues. Attorneys with the NC Utilities Commission last week cited unresolved design problems in questioning whether Duke Energy could afford to build the AP1000 at its Lee site in South Carolina.
“It is clearly unlawful for the NRC to review license applications prior to genuine certification
of the AP1000 design,” explained Lou Zeller of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, which is leading the federal intervention against Duke Energy’s proposed Lee 1&2 reactors in South Carolina, along with TVA’s Bellefonte project in Alabama. “The industry jumped the gun before the blueprints were finished, but they cannot redirect their problem onto intervenors and NRC staffers trying to review these ever-changing, complex documents.”
Contentious meetings between NRC, Westinghouse and AP1000 applicants have continued to reveal additional disputes over regulatory, technical and legal requirements. The latest version of the AP1000 is not yet available to the public. But in the previous iteration, now sidelined, only 21 of 172 sections had been cleared by the NRC in over two years of review. Last week the agency proposed a new approach to handling design changes that are expected to continue throughout the approval process: granting licenses, possibly by 2012, then later amending them in order to incorporate alterations to the design.
Standardization is considered crucial to avoiding the interlocking mistakes, delays and cost overruns during licensing and construction that forced scores of costly midstream cancellations in the 1980s. FORBES magazine blamed state rate commissions and industry executives for most of that debacle, calling it “the largest managerial disaster in business history.” French-owned AREVA, Inc. is already in trouble while building a plant in Finland that has suffered a 50% cost increase and is years behind schedule.
“Without having the current configuration, design and operating procedures in the application, neither the costs nor the risks of severe accidents can be determined,” said NC WARN Attorney John Runkle. “Until major components are incorporated into the application for a full review, much of the interaction between components cannot be resolved.”
"This disarray goes to the heart of the so-called nuclear revival," said Louise Gorenflo of the Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team. "No standardization. No schedules. And no protection for electricity customers and US taxpayers if these companies keep plowing millions of dollars into these risky projects." Southeastern legislatures recently shifted much of the financial risk to ratepayers, although Wall Street still insists it won't finance nuclear plants without 100% backing by federal taxpayers.
The groups contend that alternatives to new plants – efficiency and renewable power – are far better for reducing greenhouse gases and for protecting against the skyrocketing power bills new nuclear plants would likely cause.
As Dr. Arjun Makhijani, a technical expert following the new reactor issue, stated last month in Raleigh: “The same Wall Street that eagerly invested in sub-prime securities has been saying ‘no’ for three years to new nuclear projects unless hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are backing the loans. That ought to mean something to Congress.”
Additional contacts:
Louise Gorenflo, Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team (931) 484-2633
Lou Zeller, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (336) 977-0852
Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear (301) 523-0201
Tom Clement, Friends of the Earth, (803) 240-7268
Sara Barczak, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (912) 201-0354
Michael Marriotte, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (301)-270-6477
November 13, 2008 *Additional contacts below
Nuclear Plant Proposals Challenged by Southeast, National Groups
Legal Action Says Westinghouse Design is Plagued by Flaws, Four Years’ Delay
DURHAM, NC – An attempted revival of U.S. nuclear power is plagued by design problems that have severely delayed federal approval of the reactor most chosen by utilities hoping to build new plants. A coordinated legal action announced today by watchdog groups across the Southeast and in Washington challenges the licensing process by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as unlawful.
The NRC has canceled a 2007 pledge to review and re-certify the standard design by 2011, and has missed several deadlines for committing to a new timetable. The groups say plant designs must be completed and genuinely certified before the agency or others can assess safety and financial risks of the multi-billion dollar projects.
The Westinghouse AP1000 was pronounced “certified” by the NRC in January 2006, a step deemed vital to standardizing the blueprint before utilities began filing applications late last year to build and operate the plants. Since then, problems involving major components and operating systems have multiplied.
The NRC cannot approve a plant’s license until the design is fully certified. But continuing design modifications have created a quandary for NRC staff and opponents trying to review the license applications by Progress Energy, TVA, Duke Energy, Southern Company, SC Electric and others. Applications are deeply rooted in more than 6,500 pages of technical design documents, and the agency is attempting to review and approve the complex and evolving design separately from the applications themselves.
Westinghouse recently submitted the 17th version of the AP1000 design, but all the plant applications are based on an earlier, uncertified version. The seven organizations filing legal action contend that the utilities are now required to resubmit applications based on the latest design.
“The NRC appears to be making up the process as they go,” said Sara Barczak of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, a regional group contesting plants in Georgia and elsewhere. “The application and design reviews are leap-frogging each other, but both keep sliding backward.”
The alliance is filing parallel motions in various NRC proceedings across the Southeast involving Westinghouse projects. Similar motions are being filed this month by attorneys for Texas and Virginia opponents of a General Electric design that’s being plagued by similar flaws. The groups are also coordinating opposition in state rate commissions and other venues. Attorneys with the NC Utilities Commission last week cited unresolved design problems in questioning whether Duke Energy could afford to build the AP1000 at its Lee site in South Carolina.
“It is clearly unlawful for the NRC to review license applications prior to genuine certification
of the AP1000 design,” explained Lou Zeller of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, which is leading the federal intervention against Duke Energy’s proposed Lee 1&2 reactors in South Carolina, along with TVA’s Bellefonte project in Alabama. “The industry jumped the gun before the blueprints were finished, but they cannot redirect their problem onto intervenors and NRC staffers trying to review these ever-changing, complex documents.”
Contentious meetings between NRC, Westinghouse and AP1000 applicants have continued to reveal additional disputes over regulatory, technical and legal requirements. The latest version of the AP1000 is not yet available to the public. But in the previous iteration, now sidelined, only 21 of 172 sections had been cleared by the NRC in over two years of review. Last week the agency proposed a new approach to handling design changes that are expected to continue throughout the approval process: granting licenses, possibly by 2012, then later amending them in order to incorporate alterations to the design.
Standardization is considered crucial to avoiding the interlocking mistakes, delays and cost overruns during licensing and construction that forced scores of costly midstream cancellations in the 1980s. FORBES magazine blamed state rate commissions and industry executives for most of that debacle, calling it “the largest managerial disaster in business history.” French-owned AREVA, Inc. is already in trouble while building a plant in Finland that has suffered a 50% cost increase and is years behind schedule.
“Without having the current configuration, design and operating procedures in the application, neither the costs nor the risks of severe accidents can be determined,” said NC WARN Attorney John Runkle. “Until major components are incorporated into the application for a full review, much of the interaction between components cannot be resolved.”
"This disarray goes to the heart of the so-called nuclear revival," said Louise Gorenflo of the Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team. "No standardization. No schedules. And no protection for electricity customers and US taxpayers if these companies keep plowing millions of dollars into these risky projects." Southeastern legislatures recently shifted much of the financial risk to ratepayers, although Wall Street still insists it won't finance nuclear plants without 100% backing by federal taxpayers.
The groups contend that alternatives to new plants – efficiency and renewable power – are far better for reducing greenhouse gases and for protecting against the skyrocketing power bills new nuclear plants would likely cause.
As Dr. Arjun Makhijani, a technical expert following the new reactor issue, stated last month in Raleigh: “The same Wall Street that eagerly invested in sub-prime securities has been saying ‘no’ for three years to new nuclear projects unless hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are backing the loans. That ought to mean something to Congress.”
Additional contacts:
Louise Gorenflo, Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team (931) 484-2633
Lou Zeller, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (336) 977-0852
Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear (301) 523-0201
Tom Clement, Friends of the Earth, (803) 240-7268
Sara Barczak, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (912) 201-0354
Michael Marriotte, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (301)-270-6477
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Truth is a Hard Pill to Swallow at Times, Censored Comments on Advance Media's " Scottsboro's Forum."

{The following is part of the censored content of the " Scottsboro Forum."} " Jackson County has the highest incident rate in the state for male brain cancers and the second highest for female specific cancers. There is a reason. The answer might surprise some, and it is most likely found in your drinking water. Facts that local political leadership do not want you to know about. They are afraid that folks will not want to buy property on the north portion of Goose Pond Island. Money vs. truth, truth takes a back seat. By the way, all this hullabaloo about weeds in the lake around boat docks, the Chamber of Commerce involvement, all about Goose Pond Island. It's ok to dig up native American burials and dump them into the river, poison our water, our local politicians out right lie to us but heaven forbid someone tell the truth about the reality around us."
" Every political representative should receive a copy of this video. Our troops may be your sons, daughters,relatives, friends and fellow citizens of Scottsboro. This is atrocious and criminal. This is what occurs when politicians stand to benefit from mercenary warfare. All of these contracted positions were formally filled by the military."
>>"Has anyone ever considered why the aquatic weeds are out of control? Maybe it is because of a high nitrogen-phosphorus content in the water. Poisoning of the water is not the answer. In some places the milfoil and hydrilla as well as other aquatic weeds are harvested for livestock feed and fertilizer. I guess that makes to much sense for reactionary politicians who will lie to the public at the drop of a hat for a photo opportunity."
Another Franklin quote which applies to the deceit of our local State and Federal political leadership: "The art of concluding from experience and observation consists in evaluating probabilities, in estimating if they are high or numerous enough to constitute proof. This type of calculation is more complicated and more difficult than one might think. It demands a great sagacity generally above the power of common people. The success of charlatans, sorcerors, and alchemists—and all those who abuse public credulity—is founded on errors in this type of calculation."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Communications with ADEM Concerning Guntersville Reservoir Aquatic Weed Control

The following are the communications (my last communication is listed 1st) I have had with ADEM concerning Aquatic Weed Control on Guntersville Reservoir and comments by local politicians concerning the use of toxic substances to control Aquatic Weeds:
RE: Poisoning of the Tennessee River, Aquatic Weed Control/Press Release by various Public Officials
From: garry morgan (
Sent: Sat 11/15/08 3:24 PM
Cc: ken bonner (; David Brewer (;
From: garry morgan (
Sent: Sat 11/15/08 3:24 PM
Cc: ken bonner (; David Brewer (;
Dear Mr. Scott,
The Director's statement falls woefully short concerning the requirements of giving notice that poisoning of the drinking water supply is a violation of Federal Law. There has been no press release concerning Mr. Glenn's statement. Are you all having difficulty informing the legislators, boat dock owners and the public at large that the use of "battery acid, anti-freeze, lye, Round-Up or Agent Orange" to destroy aquatic weeds in Guntersville Reservoir, as described by North Alabama Political Leadership, is in fact a violation of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act? (State Senator Lowell Barron stated in the public meeting that it was not a violation of law to use the described toxic substances to control aquatic weeds. This is untruthful and relays a dangerous message to the public at large.) Specifically, toxic pollutants are defined in the law as:
"(13) The term ‘‘toxic pollutant’’ means those pollutants, or combinations
of pollutants, including disease-causing agents, which
after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation or assimilation
into any organism, either directly from the environment or
indirectly by ingestion through food chains, will, on the basis of information
available to the Administrator, cause death, disease, behavioral
abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological
malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations, in such organisms or their offspring. "
"(13) The term ‘‘toxic pollutant’’ means those pollutants, or combinations
of pollutants, including disease-causing agents, which
after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation or assimilation
into any organism, either directly from the environment or
indirectly by ingestion through food chains, will, on the basis of information
available to the Administrator, cause death, disease, behavioral
abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological
malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations, in such organisms or their offspring. "
Within the laws mentioned there is authority for Mr. Glenn to act in the appropriate matter to prevent the addition of these poisons and prohibited items into the watershed. PLEASE DO YOUR JOB! You and Mr. Glenn are public servants of the citizens of the State of Alabama, our drinking water is being threatened by the irresponsible actions of political/government officials and bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo. This is unacceptable.
This e-mail notice to you will serve as the first notice that you are not complying with the requirements of the Federal Law concerning the protection of this vital resource. There can be no excuse for negligent actions, failure to notify all parties of repercussions concerning the introduction of toxic substances into the Guntersville Reservoir Water Supply in order to control aquatic weeds reflects a lack of willingness on the part of ADEM to address the problem and will be considered a negligent action. Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated. In plain English, "stop pussy foot'n around and do your job." "Politics" can not and must not stand in the way of safe drinking water.
Additionally, this threat of the use of "Agent Orange" very well could take this to another level involving Homeland Security. I have no way of knowing whether State Representative Robinson's comment concerning the usage of this substance to control aquatic weeds in the reservoir is truthful or an exaggeration. However, I will take the man, a political representative, at his word, this is a serious threat. I am quite sure the defoliant known as "Agent Orange" is in fact a toxic substance as described within the law. Where would a civilian acquire this highly controlled toxic substance? I also make reference to "Water Security of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act," particularly when there is a threat made of a toxic substance to be introduced into the public water supply. I ask of you, as the responsible agency, to please do your job and notify the public of the appropriate laws regarding the introduction of "toxic pollutants and substances" into the drinking water supply.
This email is being sent to the local media as indicated in the address line and The Inspector General of the TVA . The TVA Inspector General may consider this as an official complaint concerning: 1) stating by political leadership in a public press conference that introduction of toxic substances, described above, into the TVA Controlled Guntersville Reservoir by boat dock owners or others is not an illegal act; 2) failure of the appropriate state governmental Agency, ADEM, to notify the public that the poisoning of Guntersville Reservoir by toxic substances described by the mentioned political officials is in fact a violation of Federal Law; 3) there is a serious question concerning the acquisition and use of an extremely dangerous toxic substance, "Agent Orange" as described by State Representative John Robinson, in Guntersville Reservoir to control aquatic weed growth by unknown individuals.
Respectfully Submitted,
>>1st Reply email from ADEM>>
Subject: RE: Poisoning of the Tennessee River, Aquatic Weed Control/Press Release by various Public OfficialsDate: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:17:46 -0600From: gmorg50@hotmail.comCC:;;
Mr. Morgan,
I have received your e-mail and appreciate your concern for the protection of our water resources here in Alabama. The Department has been in contact with several elected officials from the Lake Guntersville area and we have relayed our concerns with individual property owners utilizing chemicals to control aquatic weeds. In fact, outlined below is a statement that ADEM Director Trey Glenn provided on this matter:
I have received your e-mail and appreciate your concern for the protection of our water resources here in Alabama. The Department has been in contact with several elected officials from the Lake Guntersville area and we have relayed our concerns with individual property owners utilizing chemicals to control aquatic weeds. In fact, outlined below is a statement that ADEM Director Trey Glenn provided on this matter:
“ADEM is responsible for protecting our state's water quality. Our current and future generations rely on clean water. I appreciate the challenging task of controlling a water body's invasive weeds in an environmentally acceptable manner. I am extremely concerned about individual property owners being encouraged to take this matter into their own hands. These types of actions have a potential to harm the water quality in Lake Guntersville.”
We will continue to communicate with all parties involved in this effort to ensure that Alabama’s water resources are protected for the enjoyment of all Alabamians.
We will continue to communicate with all parties involved in this effort to ensure that Alabama’s water resources are protected for the enjoyment of all Alabamians.
Scott Hughes, Chief
Office of External Affairs
Office of External Affairs
From: garry morgan [] Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 9:17AM To: H2omail Cc: ken bonner; David BrewerSubject: Poisoning of the Tennessee River, Aquatic Weed Control/Press Release by various Public Officials
To Whom this May Concern at ADEM:
From: garry morgan [] Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 9:17AM To: H2omail Cc: ken bonner; David BrewerSubject: Poisoning of the Tennessee River, Aquatic Weed Control/Press Release by various Public Officials
To Whom this May Concern at ADEM:
This is a case where 2 wrongs do not make a right, Aquatic Weed Control and irresponsible comments by state politicians. Reference this news item concerning statements made by several of our state legislators in a press conference at Scottsboro yesterday:
Could you please inform these legislators that poisoning of our waterways and drinking water supply is a serious violation of Federal Law. The legislators made a comment in yesterdays press conference that the use of poisons in our state's waterways is not illegal. I am also requesting that ADEM give a press release concerning the inappropriate use of poisons in our state's waters.
Where in the world does Mr. Robinson think that "Agent Orange" would come from? This is a serious accusation. As you know, Agent Orange has been linked to various forms of cancer, it has been demonstrated that "Agent Orange" breaks down into dioxin once it enters the enviroment. Dioxin is one of the most deadliest substances known to human kind. His comment was about as irresponsible as any comment I have heard concerning the Tennessee River and has other repercussions of a National Security Nature. Is his comment true? Who would have access to Agent Orange? The legislators characterization concerning the usage of poisons by private citizens as not being illegal around the Guntersville Watershed was irresponsible to say the least. Please issue an immediate press release concerning this issue as the responsible state agency.
Thank you,
Friday, November 14, 2008
Political Censorship on "'s" so called Public Forums Due to Questioning of the Local Politicians Press Conference on Aquatic Weed Control

Some of our media and politicians of the local area demonstrate the meaning of fools and tyrants. 8 postings by different posters were removed from the Scottsboro Message Board, so called public forum. There was no violation of forum policy on the latest rounds of discussion on Scottsboro's Message Board on Just discussion questioning the sensibility of comments made by the above mentioned politicians in their press conference. After all, where will the Agent Orange come from that State Representative John Robinson threatened. There should be no doubt at this point, Advance, are governed locally by the Socialist Bourbon Democrat Party. I guess my listing of Daniel Webster's comment was more than the tyrants could stand, "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." This link was also removed,, other links were removed such as this one. This link reflected breakthroughs in cancer research, I guess it was more than Dr. Griffith could stand. Questions were removed, such as "Why would a Pharmacist, Lowell Barron, and an Oncologist, Parker Griffith, not be concerned over the cause of the aquatic weed growth?" {and} "Are our political representatives placing the cart before the horse?" Reference the political representatives concern over aquatic weeds instead of TVA's mounting debt. It is shameful that Advance Media or any media outlet would become a pawn of tyrant politicians such as the local Bourbon Socialist Democrats.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Weed Control on Lake Guntersville, Solutions vs. Problem vs. Political Pressure (part 2)

I wonder if our distinguished representatives have noticed the low lake level? The lowest continuous level in 2 years which is an attempt to control the aquatic weeds.
Senator Barron appointed a committee of representatives from Jackson and Marshall County to develop solutions and input to the TVA concerning the aquatic weed control problem.
Weed Control on Lake Guntersville, Solutions vs. Problem vs. Political Pressure (part 1)
This morning at the Scottsboro City Hall Council Chambers a press conference was held. Leading the conference and providing introductions was Senator Lowell Barron. Senator Barron stated, "this meeting is about solutions to the problem of weed control on Guntersville Lake."
Attending the meeting were Senator Lowell Barron, Representative John Robinson, Representative Butch Taylor, Senator Hinton Mitchum, Representative Jeff McLaughlin, Congressman elect Parker Griffith, Jackson County Commission Chairperson Sadie Bias, Mayor Melton Potter, Ms. Judy Miller-Director Marshall County Legislative Office, Mr. Rick Roden-CEO Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. The council chamber was full, standing room only, many other political representatives were present from other areas around Lake Guntersville. Many citizens were present. Local TV media was present as well as most local and area printed media were present.
Articles on subject:
TVA policy on Aquatic Vegetation Control: It is interesting to note that the the TVA has not issued a press release over this issue, at least it is not posted on TVA's web site. Panel members comments concerning the TVA's lack of communication skills are correct. (On a personal note: You would think a Pharmacist, Mr. Barron, and an Oncologist, Dr. Parker, would want to know the reason why the river is supporting this exotic weed growth, there is a reason. But reasoning seems to be lacking once the politician gains power. Ego, greed and a unquenchable thirst for more power seems to make reason take a seat on a fleshy posterior area of their body.)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Jackson County Commission Meeting
Today was the initial meeting of the Jackson County Commission.
1) Consent agenda approved. 2) Old Business: Minutes of the Oct. 27 Regular Meeting and Nov. 3, 2008 Special Meeting approved. 3) New Business: A) Mr. Jack Allen approved as Vice Chairman in case of absence of Chairwoman. B) Rules and Procedures approved, same as old rules. C) Mr. John Porter selected as County Attorney. D) Meeting times and place will remain the same, 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 4:30PM at the Jackson County Commission Board room. E) Discussion and approval of county warrant issued by county. F) Resolution concerning Weed Control approved. Mr. J.P. Parsons, Director of Tourism for the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, presented resolution for approval. Resolution approved pending addition of Island Creek area for weed control.
>>>Legislative Delegation Press Conference at 10AM Thursday, Nov 12, 2008 moved from Band Stand on North Side of Courthouse to City of Scottsboro Council Chambers, same time.
Jackson County Commission Swearing in Ceremony Pictures
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