Thursday, July 31, 2008
Atomic Safety Licensing Board Comes to Scottsboro

Yesterday the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC's, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, ASLB, came to Scottsboro for hearing objections to the license application for 2 proposed Nuclear Reactors, units 3 & 4, at Bellefonte, Alabama (BLN). Bellefonte is located approximately 6 miles from the Courthouse Square in Scottsboro, Alabama. The hearing was an all day affair lasting from 9AM until 4PM. Article from the Knoxville News Sentinel: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/jul/31/environmentalists-hope-stop-tvas-bellefonte-expans/
Petitioners, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL), Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team (BEST) and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) presented arguments in support of their petition as to the reasons why nuclear reactors should not be built at Bellefonte. The applicants, Tennessee Valley Authority, TVA, submitted a rebuttal to the petitioners request. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC, staff was also present to rebut petitioners comments and apparently side with the TVA on all issues and was given a "respondents table" to essentially make presentations along with the TVA in support of the TVA. Essentially the petitioners were forced to make arguments before the NRC Licensing Board with the NRC Staff serving as an adjunct administrative agency to the TVA. This is fundamentally unfair to any petitioner and appears to violate the intent of Federal administrative procedures concerning a process of fair and impartial adjudicating functions. The NRC should never be allowed to participate in the proceeding as a party to which the same governmental agency must make a judgement. This would be akin to prosecutor in a criminal trial serving as judge and jury.
This proceeding was a Federal administrative licensing review process, a quasi-judicial proceeding with rules and regulations to govern conduct and procedure. However, it was remarkable to this observer and writer that the petitioners not only had to argue and present their case to the NRC's 3 Judge ASLB, they had to rebut arguments from the TVA and the NRC staff jointly. Some would call this a "Kangaroo Court," due to the NRC's involvement as a supporter of TVA's arguments, instead of an administrative law hearing.
It was announced in today's Scottsboro paper, The Daily Sentinel, that the TVA may seek licensing of units 1 and 2. It was stated in the news article that nuclear reactor construction at today's rates would cost $3.5 to $4.5 billion. A grossly underestimated cost as reflected in this article. http://www.energyonline.com/Industry/News.aspx?NewsID=7236&Progress_Energy_Florida_Files_with_State_PSC_to_Construct_Nuclear_Reactors
Realistic costs are estimated between $14-$18 billion, inflation causes the costs to grow daily. TVA seems to be stuck in a 1980 cost time warp which is unrealistic and very deceiving to tax payers. My article on TVA debt, very revealing. http://arklite.blogspot.com/2008/07/close-look-at-tva-debt-by-experts.html >>>>
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense Leagues site and information on Bellefonte. http://www.bredl.org/nuclear/Bellefonte.htm
"Stop" Bellefonte picture by Tom Moss; Atomic Energy Licensing Board picture by Garry Morgan
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Old Business: 1) Certificates of Election were presented to Mr. Jerry Coleman and Robbie Copenhaver for the Scottsboro City Board of Education. 2) Stewart Rd. name change discussion. and vote. Presentation by Jeff Stewart of the Mr. Hugh Stewart Family to maintain the street name. Presentation by Mr. John Gay for residents of the Southern States Assisted Living Facility on Stewart Rd. concerning the difficulties that would be placed on the residents of the assisted living facility. The City Council voted to maintain the road name as Stewart Rd. therefore denying the request by the Swain family to change a portion of the road to the family name. 3) Mutual Aid Agreement approved. 4) Change orders presentation by Christine Harding concerning new Police Station. The city will receive a credit of $78,828 bringing the total cost for the new Police Station, Jail and City Court to $2,920,168.97.
New Business: 1) City Ordinance concerning the Moving of Buildings on City Streets approved. 2) Election Officials appointed for City Election and runoff if needed. City elections are August 26. 2008 and the runoff election if needed will be October 7, 2008. 3) The following Boards will have vacancies due to expiration of terms: a) Scottsboro, Water, Sewer and Gas Board, 2 vacancies; b) Historical Preservation Board, 1 vacancy; c) Architectural Review Board, 1 vacancy. All requests for board appointments must be submitted to the City Clerk prior to 12 noon on August 14, 2008.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dog Pound Progress
Progress on our new Animal Control Facility. Construction began in January however problems developed in the first site, story: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2008/01/decision-has-been-made-on-neighbors-for.html and http://arklite.blogspot.com/2008/01/animal-control-shelter-site-or-dump.html . When the next site was decided, progress was made, the site was cleared and construction begins, February 2008: http://arklite.blogspot.com/2008/02/animal-control-shelter.html
Alabama Department of Corrections inmates are performing the construction project at a considerable savings to the City and County who are sharing costs and duties in the Animal Control Shelter Project. The current picture posted above reflects the projects current progress.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Penchant for Political Censorship, "al.com" Advance Internet, Democrat Party

I see "al.com" as ordered by the political tyrants of the local Democrat Party and the corporate socialists are at it again, censoring speech and banning posters on the "al.com Scottsboro so called Forum." The local influential politicians and New Jersey media tyrants of Advance Internet Inc. strike once again with their attack on reasonable, responsible editorial principles and basic principles of liberty and expression of political speech. It would seem there is a movement of socialist authoritarian tyrants in our midst who care not for principles of our Constitution. I wonder what the reason was this time?
Maybe the discussion of Lowell Barron taking credit for the B.B. comer Bridge opening and the discussion concerning the several named governmental constructed locations named after "his majesty," maybe it was pointing out the dirty tricks of the local Democrat Party and who is responsible for them, maybe it was the spirited argument concerning a Bellefonte Nuclear Plant and the debt of the TVA, maybe it was the report that there are over 41,000 nuclear workers sick and dying in the U.S., maybe it was pointing out the dismal financial situation of Hollywood, Al. and the suggestion that the First National Bank of Scottsboro should do as they have done with Goose Pond Colony (The Bank holds the notes on their debt.) by arranging to have one of their Bank Officers be the Chairman of that Government entity's Board, or maybe it was my prose and pictures about my garden and my giving thanks to God for its blessing. What ever the reason it is obvious there are influential folks in the area that feel very threatened by my speech.
A ban once again falls on free expression in Scottsboro, Alabama. A stark reminder of the dismal days of Jim Crow, Bourbon rule of Alabama Government by power hungry racist Montgomery Democrats, as demonstrated by the political action reflected in the influencing of "al.com's" so called forums by repressive corporate and political leadership. It is obvious that politicians such as the fearless leader of the local Democrats, Lowell Barron, and organizations such as the Jackson County Democrat Party, the NEI, Nuclear Energy Institute and their PAC rain supreme in determining who says what. Liberty takes a back seat to his majesty and the corporate political ilk of tyrany.
Are local citizens accepting the tyrany of some politicians as well as governmental and private corporations grasping for control of our thoughts and speech through actions that are witnessed on "al.com?" Do they feel helpless against this style of repression? Maybe the old local adage has come to pass, "I'd vote for the devil before a Republican." Repression thru censorship, the squashing of speech and ideas, is the "devil" showing its face toward liberty and the ideals of our Republic?
The battle to end local political repression continues.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Creatures in My Garden
Some of natures beauty lies within ones garden. I watched the Hummingbirds dance their aerial ballet in the cool air of an Alabama summer morning; I stop and give thanks to God for the the little blessings in life and think how fortunate I am to enjoy this small blessing in my Scottsboro, Alabama garden. Photos from top to bottom: 1) Eastern Tiger Swallow Tail, the female black form; 2) Perched male Ruby Throat Hummingbird; 3) Male Goldfinch; 4) Garden Spider and zig zag web; 5) Blue Dragon Fly
Monday, July 21, 2008
Scottsboro City Council Work Session
Photos: City Council seated prior to meeting, officials left to right are Mayor Dan Deason, Council Member Terry Thomas, Council Member Matthew Hodges, Assistant City Clerk Cathy O'Shields, City Council President Keith Smith, City Attorney Steve Kennamer, Council Member Josephine Smith, Council Member Buddy Simmons, with 2 closeups. Second Group of photos concerns the renovation of Scottsboro's Police Department, Jail and City Court, old City Hall.
Work Session Agenda: 1) Discussion of the $500 additional money approved for renovation of the Rec-Com swimming pool pavilion. Discussion ensued concerning whether a City Employee had been involved in this project for pay in contravention of a city ordinance. The Council President requested Ms. Borders, Human Resources Manager, and Mr. Dolberry, Street Department Manager, to investigate this incident. The Mayor entered this discussion and stated this falls within the day to day operation of the city and that he would initiate an investigation into the matter. 2) Street name discussion concerning Stewart Road name change to Swain Road. City Attorney made recommendation that a portion of the road be considered for change between South Broad Street and Bob Jones Road. It was stated that Ms. Shirley Dawson owned property in this location and she would be contacted as to her views on the subject. 3) City Attorney made presentation concerning city ordinance for moving buildings on city streets. 4) City Attorney made presentation concerning Mutual Aid Agreement between municipal, county and state agencies. FEMA requires this agreement for local governments to receive Federal Emergency Relief Funds in case of a disaster. 5) Christine Harding made presentation concerning status of Police, jail and court remodeling, old city hall. Projected finish date is February 2009. 2 deduction change orders will be submitted in the future totaling $70-75K to be refunded. 6) Council President Keith Smith asked candidates to please pick up their signs after campaigns. If old signs remain Police Department and Street Department will clean up old signs and will be available to be picked up at the Street Department. If not claimed after 10 days they will be turned in for scrap. 7) Citizen Comments: Mr. Jim Green, Jr. made presentation concerning State Swim Meet in Scottsboro Friday and Saturday, all invited. 8) Council Members issued forth a special thank you to the Boy Scout project in improving the swimming pool.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Alternative Energy and NRC Bellefonte Hearings

The NRC will be back in Scottsboro on July 30th.
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008Starting Time: 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time (ET)Location: Scottsboro Goosepond Civic Center 1165 Ed Hembree Drive Scottsboro, Alabama
Judge Bollwerk said:
Currently, the Board anticipates that this conference should last no more than one day. The Board will issue a separate order in the near future establishing time allocations for oral argument regarding the issues it wishes the participants to address during the conference.
Judge Bollwerk said:
Currently, the Board anticipates that this conference should last no more than one day. The Board will issue a separate order in the near future establishing time allocations for oral argument regarding the issues it wishes the participants to address during the conference.
The following is a link to alternative energy job statistics in Alabama. It is interesting to note that Dekalb County leads the State in alternative energy jobs while Jackson County hasn't made the list. http://www.bluegreenalliance.org/atf/cf/%7B3637E5F0-D0EA-46E7-BB32-74D973EFF334%7D/AL-Report.pdf
Friday, July 18, 2008
Ghosts of Bellefonte, Alabama 1940's and Now

First Picture is circa late 1940's by Mr. Wendell Page, the second July 17, 2008 by Garry Morgan. The chimney is all that remains of the old Martin Tavern & Inn; Bellefonte means "beautiful spring."
The following is a brief history of Bellefonte from the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce web site. " The first courthouse was built at Bellefonte, just after the year 1828. It served the people of the Jackson County thirty-five years or longer. When an Act was passed in the Legislature to vote on moving the county seat from Bellefonte, approved December 17, 1859, and for nine years the question was before the people. Finally Scottsboro became the county seat and the county records were moved from Bellefonte on Friday, November 13, 1868." http://www.jacksoncountychamber.com/history.html
There is a debate over how the Bellefonte Court House met its fate toward the end of the Civil War. Some say the "Yankees" burned it to the ground. Others say one or more local property owners burned the Court House to destroy property records in order to increase their own holdings thru fraud, the true story is up for debate. However the Federal Army utilized the building for a Headquarters on more than one occasion. Learned local historians have stated it was burned by one or more local citizens.
It would seem the ghost of Bellefonte still haunts the area as a vacant nuclear facility sits idle. The same ghost may haunt TVA coffers, their debt of $22 billion and a debt cap of $30 billion, against a $14-18 billion dollar new Bellefonte Nuclear Facility spells another haunting possibility, a financially insolvent TVA. No $12 million annual dollars for Jackson County Government entities. Are we sure we need another nuclear ghost? >>>>
Ghostly markers of our history, kind of like the Pb 212 (radioactive lead) found in our water supply in 1999. Testing for radioactive substances is not an annual event, unfortunately.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Jackson County Commission Meeting

Meeting with the Commission: 1) Scottsboro City Officials met with the Commission to present plans to expand the Martintown Landfill. The City Attorney made the presentation which concerned expanding the Construction and Demolition area of the landfill by 20ac. There will be a public hearing scheduled concerning this issue. 2) Christine Harding of J.H. Partners Architectural firm meet with the Commission to announce the bid openings and lowest bidder for Courthouse Window replacement. The bid was awarded to Berry Construction as lowest bidder. 3) Gayla Roberts met with the Commission to request funds for Rosalie's Rescue Squad in the amount of $1496.00. The funds were to cover costs which were incurred during the tornado, the Commission approved $1500. 4) Billy Vinson made a presentation concerning staggered terms and district voting of County Commissioners. 5) Rita Williams from Council on Aging met to request more funds. Increases in the minimum wage has caused her to have a $3600 short fall of funds. There was also discussion concerning public transportation funding. The Commission approved the $3600 request to cover employee wages.
Consent Agenda was approved for $5049.99. There were other travel expenses which were approved but not identified as to the amount as the travel has not occured.
Old Business: 1) Minutes approval of meetings. A question was raised by Mr. Blizzard as to whether the proper notices were given concerning the Special Call meetings. No one could answer whether a proper posting was made on the Jackson County Commission Bulletin Board concerning the Special Call meeting. The County Attorney, Mr. John Porter, stated that a meeting was not a "legal" meeting if proper notice is not made. 2) Courthouse window bid opening issue discussed in #2 above. 3) Northeast Alabama Fire Protection District Board member pay issue not acted on as there has been no proper request from the Fire Protection Board. 4) Job Description discussion for Animal Control officer for county. 5) Resolution requesting Special Act from Legislative Delegation to allow voters to decide on staggered election terms and district voting for the County Commission.
New Business: (4 items on agenda, however due to the length of the Commission meeting I left to attend the City Council meeting at 6PM)
1) Request from Moriah Christian Children's Home for special garbage pickup rate. 2) Motion to approve RPT application. 3) Council on Aging employees minimum wage pay increase, approved above. 4) Executive Session, Disciplinary Hearing.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Old Business: 1) Mr. Don Glasgow opposition to Driftwood Shores area rezoning to P1. 2) Ordinance for property rezone to P1, property owned by Mr. Sonny Barnes. Located east of Edmonds Drive and west of Driftwood Shores Drive. Ordinance failed to pass, a 3-2 vote against.
New Business: 1) Eagle Scout Project for Rec-Com Pool improvements approved up to $3000.00. 2) Soccer Fields Wetlands Project Study approved for $7580.00. 3) Public Hearing date established for the rezoning of the Old Revere and Scottsboro Aluminum Plant site, Aug 11, 2008. Site rezoning is necessary due to it being taken into Scottsboro's City Limits by a Special Act of the Legislature which resulted in the old plant site being rezoned to the most restrictive zoning, R1. 4) Election Officials rate of pay approved, $100 for election officials and $125 for election inspectors. 5) Election Systems and Supply Company Inc. approved at the rate of $4750 per election to provide election supplies. 6) Absentee Election Managers appointment, 2 city clerks at $50 per clerk for $100. 7) Victor Manning appointed as voting machine custodian. 8) removed. 9) Solid Waste installation of gates and fence repair approved. 10) Advertising for City/County Street Maps approved for $1895. 11) Resolution for Mutual Aid for Disasters, tabled. 12) Bid Opening for Solid Waste 95 gallon refuse containers awarded to Otto Environmental Systems for $59.50 per container. 13) Asphalt Binder bid for Street Department, awarded to Jackson Pavement. 14) Piggly Wiggly alcohol beverage license approved, store was sold and beverage license reapplied. 15) The following board vacancies are opening: a) 2 spots on the Industrial Development Board; b) 2 spots on the Medical Clinic Board; c) 2 spots on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. All submissions for these boards must be turned in by July 31, 2008 by 12PM. 16) All citizens are invited to a TARCOG meeting concerning Safety of area roads at the Jackson County Commission Board Room on Thursday July 16 at 6PM.
New Business: 1) Eagle Scout Project for Rec-Com Pool improvements approved up to $3000.00. 2) Soccer Fields Wetlands Project Study approved for $7580.00. 3) Public Hearing date established for the rezoning of the Old Revere and Scottsboro Aluminum Plant site, Aug 11, 2008. Site rezoning is necessary due to it being taken into Scottsboro's City Limits by a Special Act of the Legislature which resulted in the old plant site being rezoned to the most restrictive zoning, R1. 4) Election Officials rate of pay approved, $100 for election officials and $125 for election inspectors. 5) Election Systems and Supply Company Inc. approved at the rate of $4750 per election to provide election supplies. 6) Absentee Election Managers appointment, 2 city clerks at $50 per clerk for $100. 7) Victor Manning appointed as voting machine custodian. 8) removed. 9) Solid Waste installation of gates and fence repair approved. 10) Advertising for City/County Street Maps approved for $1895. 11) Resolution for Mutual Aid for Disasters, tabled. 12) Bid Opening for Solid Waste 95 gallon refuse containers awarded to Otto Environmental Systems for $59.50 per container. 13) Asphalt Binder bid for Street Department, awarded to Jackson Pavement. 14) Piggly Wiggly alcohol beverage license approved, store was sold and beverage license reapplied. 15) The following board vacancies are opening: a) 2 spots on the Industrial Development Board; b) 2 spots on the Medical Clinic Board; c) 2 spots on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. All submissions for these boards must be turned in by July 31, 2008 by 12PM. 16) All citizens are invited to a TARCOG meeting concerning Safety of area roads at the Jackson County Commission Board Room on Thursday July 16 at 6PM.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Jackson County Alabama Democrat Party Dirty Tricks

Removing posts from local forums is but one trick involving the Jackson County Democrat Party. Recent attempts by the Jackson County Democrat Party to prevent the filming, video taping and taking of pictures by bloggers and private citizens failed at the County Commission run off election political forum held at the Scottsboro High School, story of that event is listed within, http://arklite.blogspot.com/2008/07/jackson-county-democrat-club-forum-or.html . It appears Democrat Party officials have been successful in the control of a local forum, "al.com's Scottsboro Forum." Which is not actually a forum but a highly controlled message board in support of the local Democrat Party. It is obvious that the Jackson County Democrat Party and the editors of "al.com's Scottsboro Forum" care not for liberty or the free expression of ideas. Their idea of liberty only applies if the individual supports their efforts of deciet and tyrany in Jackson County Alabama.
The players: You will find one of the players of dirty tricks in the following video. Secrecy and underhanded tactics involves others in local politics, it is the standard "game" of deceit, "fool the voter." The person who had removed Gov. Riley campaign signs then placed them at a Klan Riley in Scottsboro is the Jackson County Democrat Party Attorney. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3336113322375157781&hl=en One of the participants in the lies and tactics of the "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" (pictured) strategy of the Alabama Democrat Party concerning convicted former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. The Jackson County Courthouse (pictured) seems to be a resting place of many of the Democrat Party Officers who will do most anything to maintain their desperate hold on power in Jackson County Alabama. This reminds me, repressive local politics and political censorship is the reason I started this blog, Watch for Snakes n' Scottsboro. (One of the two forum trolls with over 55 forum names, probably a Nazi as he collects swastikas and expresses a dislike of Jewish people, may be found within the rectangle in the center of the aerial photo. http://wikimapia.org/#lat=34.628759&lon=-86.061358&z=15&l=0&m=a&v=2 )
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Democrat Party Tyrants in Jackson County Alabama, 2 Headed Poisonous Snake Award

Once again the Democrat Party tyrants voice their opinions by removing posts within the "al.com" Scottsboro forum and once again, banning the poster. I guess telling the truth concerning dirty tricks, liars and scoundrels is more than the local Democrats can stand. No violations of Advance Media-"al.com" forum rules by the poster, just political/corporate tyrany from local politicians and their ilk of corporate tyrants, local power monger/managers in the Democrat Party. The forum moderator is part of the tyrants group. This time around it started with attempts by the local Democrat Party Leadership at banning the filming/video taping, to include picture taking, of the local "Dog and Pony Show," the so called political forum concerning the Jackson County Commission race Tuesday evening, a public event on public property.
Advance Media, "al.com," treats their customers as if they are non-entity's. The Democrat Party of Jackson County's leadership treats citizens as if they are second rate citizens if you do not support their candidate, their ideals or their group. The Democrat Party leadership of Jackson County Alabama is no more than a 2 bit bunch of tyrants on a power trip of authoritarian, socialistic repression, stemming from local Jim Crow style of Bourbon Planter class mentality. How can anyone support such a repressive group of individuals that lead the local Democrat Party. It is no wonder that groups such as the Jackson County Patriots spring forward in protest to the local party tyrants and their acts of repression.
Keep it up Democrat leadership, you are your own worse enemy. The Jackson County Democrat Party Leadership are awarded the "Two Headed Poisonous Snake Award" for their threats on liberty and our Constitution. The local Democrat leadership makes Tammany Hall look like a senior citizens cake walk.
>>>Addition: Thank you to the posters on "al.com's Scottsboro forum" who are supporting of no political censorship. We may agree or disagree on topics or opinions but I think a reasonable person realizes that this type of political censorship serves no purpose other than that of a tool for tyrants. It is not forum moderation or editing, it is political censorship. Unfortunately the censorship always centers around political discussion of items of local interest. Think fellow citizens, who would want political discussion items removed concerning the discussion of the Democrat Party's inappropriate actions?? And we wonder why a group such as the "Patriots" springs up. Contact Advance Internet, http://www.advance.net/ and tell them what you think about their policy of political censorship on "al.com's Scottsboro Forum." Contact their advertisers, tell them you do not appreciate "al.com's" censorship of political discussion, your comments do matter.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Story of a Goat and a Dog

A great analogy of Alabama Politics. Goat Hill politicians getting their way, living the good life, while the taxpaying, working dogs, get the shaft. Hopefully the playful dog will be adopted.
Story of "Goat Hill" from the Alabama State Archives ( first picture): "Andrew Dexter, one of the founders of the town, had held on to a prime piece of property in long anticipation of the capital's eventual move to Montgomery. Dubbed "Goat Hill" for its use as pasturage, the site retained that affectionate appellation despite attempts to dignify the spot with names like "Lafayette Hill" (after the 1825 visit of the Marquis de Lafayette) and "Capitol Hill" (after the 1847 construction of the Capitol)."
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
More Pictures, Jackson County Democrat Club "Forum"
Photos top to bottom: 1) Mr. Horrace Clemmons, District 4 candidate. Mr. Charles West the other candidate did not show up. 2) District 3 incumbent Mr. Carl Marona; 3) District 3 candidate Mr. Gaylen Stone. 4) Ms. Sheila Cornelison, Democrat Club Vice President and "forum" spokesperson. More pictures and story below.
>>>Addition, story link from The Daily Sentinel http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=ab9786b5797d8097 .
Jackson County Democrat Club "Forum"
Interesting event at Scottsboro High School Auditorium. Announcements were made by Ms. Sheila Cornelison, Jackson County Democrat Club Vice President, that video taping would only be allowed by Scottsboro Electric Power Board's Ch 10. She also stated, "only the "media" will be allowed to take pictures during the forum." What the Democrat Party wants does not mean that is what the Democrat Party will get. I took pictures and made video.
The Candidates were, District 1: Mr. Darren Blizzard and Mr. Jack Smith; District 3: Mr. Carl Marona and Mr. Gaylen Stone; District 4: Mr. Horace Clemmons and Mr. Charles West, Mr West did not show up for the event.
There were 3 questions that were asked (paraphrased): 1) If elected will you fulfill your obligations of education for your office? 2) If elected what can you and the Commission do to recruit jobs. 3) The Jackson County Patriots group has not been forthcoming...what are your thoughts... are you a member of the "patriots" group? The groups web site: http://jacksoncountypatriots.com/
Judge Hambrick was going around making comments that the Patriots were attempting to "take over the courthouse...Darren Blizzard is a Lieutenant in the organization." Jack Smith during his answer of the last question made a comment attempting to tie the "patriots" to Timothy McVeigh by stating "...Timothy McVeigh was a 'patriot." The third question, the Judges comments around the auditorium and the comments by candidates concerning the "Patriots" turned this event into an Democrat Party anti "Jackson County Patriots Rally. " Now I must ask the question, was this another one of Lowell Barron's political tricks to demean citizens who do not agree with his ideas of Patriotism or attempts to diminish a campaign that is pointed at ending Mr. Barron's grip on Jackson County?
The 3rd question and Democrat Party politicians running around talking about the "patriots" detracted from the idea of a public election forum. I think the recognition of this group hurt Jack Smith and helped Darren Blizzard. However, Mr Blizzard did not deny he was a "patriot", he stated: "I am not a member of any secret organization." If Mr. Blizzard was a member it would have been better for him to admit it and explain the organizations goals.
Photos: (top to bottom) 1) Choosing the order of candidate presentations. 2) Empty Chair next to Mr Horrace Clemmons. Mr. West did not show up. 3) District 1 incumbent candidate Mr. Darren Blizzard. 4) District 1 candidate Mr. Jack Smith. (More pictures on next blog listing.)
Another Dog and Pony Show?

Tonight, July 8, 2008, 7PM, the Democrat Party will sponsor a runoff election "forum" at the Scottsboro High School Auditorium. This is the link for the article in, The Daily Sentinel: http://thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=54ae05dd8607b661 . The forum is a good thing, subverted by tyrannical party politics. The article goes on to say that no video recording will be allowed except for Scottsboro's Electric Power Board. Not all citizens of Jackson County can attend nor do they subscribe to Scottsboro's cable service. This prohibition of news agencies or private citizens right to video tape/film the event wrongfully deprives individuals and the press the right to video record this event. The Scottsboro City Board of Education was contacted to determine if there was a prohibition against video taping an event such as this in the high school auditorium. Administrative personnel in the School Board office stated there were no restrictions by the School Board. A political party making a determination of when 1st Amendment Rights will be allowed goes beyond good sense and our 1st Amendment Rights.
I wonder if Party Police (PP) will be on hand to confiscate video equipment?
Monday, July 7, 2008
Scottsboro City Council Work Session

1) Eagle Scout Nathan Bradbury made presentation concerning Rec-Com Pool Project: roof-walkway-pavilion improvement. Described experiences concerning that of a contractor in performing construction projects. Described funds raised for project and requested $2500.00 to finish project. Boy Scouts will participate in landscaping for finishing project. 2) Rickey Storey made historical presentation concerning name change of Stewart Rd. to Swain Rd. Mr. Storey gave family history of area related to Stewart Rd. 3) Mr. Sonny Barnes, Riverside Properties gave presentation concerning his request to rezone his property to a P-1 designation. Mr. Rick Roden, Chamber of Commerce gave presentation concerning support of area business and residential growth. Mr. Jim Olyneise, Scottsboro Planning Commission, gave presentation concerning Scottsboro's "Master Plan." 4) Discussion of Rules and Regulations for moving houses on city streets. 5) Mr. Hodges, wetland discussion of new soccer fields, Barge Waggoner, Sumner & Cannon Engineers for project. 6) Rezoning discussion of old Scottsboro Aluminum Plant property from R-1 to M-2 Heavy Manufacturing. Mr. Jim Christopher and Mr. Bobby Chandler purchased property from the estate of Mr. Hembree. The property was rezoned by annexation due to the Special Legislative Act taking the property into the City of Scottsboro. 7) Rate of pay for Election Officials discussed, Inspectors-$125.00; Election Official-$100.00. 8) Discussion of election supplies needed for purchase. 9) Discussion of Memorandum of Agreement with Victor Manning as Custodian of Voting Machines. Mr. Manning is paid $200.00 for each machine. 10) Swimming Pool Inspection results presentation by Ms. Yvonne Yockel. Apparently the State made a spot inspection of the pools heaters and electrical system. A notice of violation was issued and a 30 day period for improvement was issued. 11) Eddie Blizzard, Sanitation Department Director, made presentation for request for gates and fence improvement around truck parking area. This request is for security and safety reasons. 12) City Clerks report on advertising for County/City Street Maps. 13) City Clerk's report concerning Disaster Mutual Aid Support Agreement between state, county and city governments. 14) Reminder that City Election Qualifying ends on July 15, 2008 at 5:00PM.
First 2 pictures are of the July 4th, First Monday Trade Days event.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Shocking Scientific Reports, Deaths From Nuclear Radiation

Could it be that the advocates of Nuclear Energy do not give a damn for you, your children, grandchildren or anyone else for that matter? Are the corporations and advocates of nuclear energy colossal liars of the caliber of a mass murderer? Has the public been intentionally scammed and lied to in a colossal national deceit program about the safety of nuclear power? This report reflects the severity of the lie: http://newsmine.org/content.php?ol=nature-health/65-million-nuclear-deaths.txt
Cover ups, releases of radioactive materials: http://www.truthout.org/article/tennessee-nuclear-fuel-problems-kept-secret more about cover ups and lies: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2465/is_3_31/ai_73040730 The 3 Mile Island lie: http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/11/19/5325/ , other nuclear accidents: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_civilian_nuclear_accidents#2000s Nuclear Accidents in progress: http://www.davistownmuseum.org/cbm/Rad16.html Then there is this, http://www.wildclearing.com/ice-ages/the-exposed.html 41,869 "Poisoned Nuclear Workers" either sick or dieing. These are people just like you and I, citizens of the Southeastern United States of America. Their only difference is they had a job handling radioactive materials.
The real question is, after all this information why do we still continue to build nuclear power plants? There can only be 1 of 2 answers, 1) all the information, links listed, is not true; 2) the nuclear industry via our government has deceived the public at large with a colossal lie for money.
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