Alternative news and discussion for Scottsboro, Jackson County Alabama and the Tennessee River Valley as I see it. Responsible comments to articles welcome. As always, "Watch for Snakes," particularly those wearing suits.
"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."
South Side of the Jackson County Courthouse, Scottsboro, Alabama (photo by G. Morgan)
(click on image for an expanded view)
What is splost? A special-purpose local-option sales tax (SPLOST) is a financing method for funding capital outlay projects in the U.S. state of Georgia. It is an optional 1% sales tax levied by any county for the purpose of funding the building of parks, schools, roads, and other public facilities. The Jackson County Commission is considering a version of this tax to fund county operations.
The Jackson County Commission in today's budget hearings and continuation of Monday's Regular Commission Meeting discussed their budget problems. When the current budget was approved there was $2.4 million dollars in the county reserve fund. Today, due to needs to fund the county's operations, $1.7 million dollars remain, $700,000 has been spent out of the county's reserve/emergency funds.
A motion was made and approved to sign a resolution regarding the "Splost" 1% sales tax referendum. This tax is a limited tax for 6 years with funds "earmarked" for specific projects. The Jackson County Legislative Delegation will present the request for a local act before the current legislative session. The new tax will be voted on in the November General election if the bill passes the state legislature.
Scottsboro, Alabama February 22, 2016 Regular Session of the Scottsboro City Council. Jackson County Rescue Squad Receives Commendation presented by Mayor Potter from the Milton, Ga. Mayor for the Rescue Squads participation in a January 16, 2016 resue from the Tumbling Rock Cave near Hollywood, Alabama. Several local Rescue Squads and Cave Rescue Units participated in this rescue - Huntsville, Alabama Cave Rescue Unit and the Hamilton county, Tn, Rescue Squad, Cave Rescue Unit participated and safely extracted an injuried explorer from the cave. Full Story may be read and
Scottsboro, Alabama February 22, 2016 City Council Regular Session, Alcohol Beverage License Public Hearing. License Approved pending final inspection; 442 West Willow St., Lucky's Liquor Emporium, LLC,
February 22, 2016 Scottsboro City Council Regular Session Mayor and City Council get pay raise, city debt to be increased for capital projects = Capital Improvement Projects, Mayor & Council Pay increase Commercial Development Authority Budget.
City Attorney Job Description, Appointments and Vacancies. The City Attorney was asked after the meeting if this was a Full Time or Part Time Job Description - His reply was "Part Time."I asked if he had a contract for his services with the city, he stated, "Verbal contract, no written contract." Is the City Attorney the only part time employee which has full city benefits such as medical insurance? This could be part of a compensation package but there is no written contract, which seems very unusual, particularly since this is a deviation from the current personnel policy of Scottsboro regarding benefits for full time vs part time employees. This also brings up questions regarding the employment of the law firm of Lanier and Ford, particularly the services of Mr. Woody Sanderson. Is there a contract; is Sanderson also a part time employee?
For a small city of 15,000 how many attorneys do we need. But, then again, after looking at the problems revealed -
Sexual Discrimination as Policy in Scottsboro Alabama - Multiple part series about the unsavory and unethical actions of male supervisory employees of the City of Scottsboro. Everything from illegal surveillance on female employees, mayors jealousy, slander, unfair application of policy, broken cash control, failure to effectively supervise upper level management, lack of professional leadership skills and training and sexual harassment.
The city's officials may need a New York Law Firm before it is over.
Girl Employees - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace as Management Policy
Photo display of email from the City of Scottsboro's Finance Director to the Municipal Court Judge placed on the Municipal Court Bulletin Board.
This email sums up the problem with sexual harassment within the City of Scottsboro. It is allowed, it is tolerated and female employees are considered "girls," not employees. Why not this request? "Please stress the importance of the City of Scottsboro's Cash Control Policy to all employees in which you supervise."
UPDATE (edited): March 3, 2016, Scottsboro, Alabama - Ms. Erin Dixson, the Human Resource Director for the City of Scottsboro, posted on her personal Face Book site that she had "checked into the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington on March 2, 2016 at 12:28PM.
Ms. Dixson was contacted today after her work hours to ask if she had spoke to the folks at the EEOC, or filed a complaint with the government agency regarding sexual discrimination or harassment, with the federal agency, regarding the City of Scottssboro or its' elected/appointed officials, This is Ms. Dixson's reply: " I'm concerned about the ongoing and historical treatment of female employees at the City of Scottsboro."
"Whether an investigation or action is pending falls on the agencies involved to comment at this time. I'm attempting to do my job for the citizens and employees of the City of Scottsboro as their Human Resource Director."
Two previous inquiries had been made to Ms. Dixson regarding her previous suspension and subsequent reinstatement. Ms. Dixon replied to me she was restricted as to her comments due to an agreement she had with the City of Scottsboro not to disclose the terms of a settlement regarding her suspension by Mayor Potter directed at her relating to the Mayor's previous actions. Ms. Dixson was reinstated with full pay and at least some of her attorney fees were paid for by the City of Scottsboro without the approval of the City Council.
Inquiries directly to Mayor Potter resulted in his invoking rights against self incrimination by requesting the City Attorney's presence during my presentation of questions to him. He was advised not to answer pertinent questions regarding misconduct of employees or harassment by management.
I am aware of Ms. Dixson and other female employees suffering continued harassment and unprofessional conduct as a result of the mayor and other male supervisory employees actions within the City of Scottsboro.
The problem with cash control rests in a large part because of the failure of the City of Scottsboro's Finance Director to insure that all sections where there is cash involved were implementing appropriate cash controls. That was not the case for the Community Recreation Center. There were no cash register receipts being given out according to informants. Quote: "We just started giving out cash receipts from our register, we did not do this before the theft."
The Finance Director and the Director of the Recreation Center are directly responsible for failed oversight. Informants have stated this has been a long term problem. A problem which has been in existence for over 9 years, it was previously identified when Mayor Deason was Mayor. A similar theft of funds occurred at the Rec-Com during Mayor Deason's tenure, according to informants.
The unprofessional statement in the email above from Scottsboro's Finance Director is a result of the unfair application of policy regarding cash control pointed specifically at employees in the Municipal Court System.
The mayor and the finance director attempted to place blame on our municipal magistrate for failed cash control, that situation did not work out for the "good ole boys." An old saying holds true, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." That event took place 3 years ago.
Poor management controls are a direct reflection on Mayor Potter. The way, form and fashion our Mayor and male supervisory staff treat female personnel within the City of Scottsboro is reflected in questionable management practices regarding the city's operations which have resulted in overt acts of sexual discrimination carried forth against female employees and an unfair enforcement of the city's cash control policy.
TVA looking to sell Bellefonte property - Johnson say's "TVA needs to weigh merits of generation, development."
“As we consider this decision, it is important that we hear from interested stakeholders, potential site developers and the general public,” said TVA President and CEO Bill Johnson. “TVA has been investing at a minimal level to preserve the Bellefonte site for future generating use, should we need it.”
“The 2015 Integrated Resource Plan, completed with public input, indicates it may be two decades before additional large baseload generation is needed,” he said. “It’s time we answer the question of whether TVA is serving the public well by retaining control of the Bellefonte site, or if others could make more beneficial use of it. And with economic development as a cornerstone of our mission, TVA wants to know if there is an entity interested in investing and creating jobs at this location.”
The public comment period runs through March 18. There is no public meeting scheduled.
Rumor has been circulating locally that Tom Kilgore, former TVA CEO and Jackson Co. resident, will head up an effort to bring the facility into a power generation mode utilizing new and current assets financed by external players in a VIE, variable interest entity (sell-lease back), type of plan. Locally, EDA representatives are denying this plan.
My thoughts, Nuclear Power proponents are their own worse enemy, they do not look realistically at the truth about cost at the front and the end of such projects. Deceit has become a debilitating culture within the civilian nuclear power industry. There is a penchant for shortcuts to save money. This presents a serious problem in regards to safety, security and Human Reliability
Thursday, February 11, 2016 the Tennessee Valley Authority met in Chattanooga, Tn. for its 1st quarter board meeting.
Bellefonte 3 & 4, motion has been filed to abandon licensing of the AP1000 Reactor project."It's time to quit wasting money pursuing this project that TVA can't afford," said Garry Morgan, a Scottsboro resident and critic of the Bellefonte project... "We welcome TVA's decision to slow the financial hemorrhage at Bellefonte 3 and 4," Dr. Stephen A. Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, said in a statement today. "We strongly encourage TVA to go ahead and close the books on the 42-year old Bellefonte 1 and 2 reactor units, which will never be completed, saving more money and allowing Northern Alabama to move into the 21st century with new economic opportunities like Google, energy efficiency and clean solar power."
TVA Wastes Their Time and Our Money - Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team/Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation, a chapter of Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, presented a report on Friday showing TVA’s "waste of money on nuclear power." The group called for a withdrawal of the operating license for Bellefonte nuclear power plant in Hollywood, Al.
"TVA is not being transparent with the public about their debt and operational costs,” said Garry Morgan, BEST/MATRR treasurer. “They operate under a veil of fractured accounting making it very difficult to figure out their total financial status"..."As we move into a world of solar and wind energy, those sites could be used for safer economic alternatives without radioactive trash and with cleaner air and water for the health of our citizens,” said Gretel Johnston, BEST/MATRR member. "
TVA Finances - debt and liabilities are much higher than reported. All commitments listed on the TVA 1st quarter financial report below. (Click on image for an expanded view.)
Listening Session - Selected Presentations
Chattanooga, Tennessee - February 11, 2016. TVA Quarterly Board Meeting, Listening Session, input from the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, and their local chapter, The Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team and Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation. We asked the TVA to stop wasting resources and our rate-payer dollars on the charade of Bellefonte Units 3 & 4, 2 proposed AP 1000 Nuclear Reactors estimated to cost between $12 & 15 Billion in today's dollars
Concerned citizens from various environmental groups in the Tennessee River Valley discuss issues with the TVA Board.
TVA BOARD PRESENTATIONS - Presidents Report - Financial Report - Engineer of the Year, etc.
TVA Board Meeting Intro, TVPPA
TVA Industrial Committee Report, Presidents Report, Engineer of the Year Award, Pension Issue.
TVA Board Meeting Bylaws, Regulatory Issues, Financial Report, Nuclear Oversight-CEO Appointed as WANO Chair, External Relations/People and Performance Committees, Appointment of Joe Ritch as Chair of TVA Board.
“We did two controlled buys. We sent two different people in on different days,” Lieutenant Erik Dohring says, “They conducted cash transactions and they did not receive receipts.” After checking records, those transactions were never shown to have occurred. The money was also unaccounted for.
“It was the same employee during both of these transactions, and the employee’s name came up to us when we were made aware that cash transactions were occurring and no receipts were being received,” Dohring says.
Here's the problem folks, the bottom line explained at the beginning.
This business with the "Mayor's Pet employees" and unfair application of policy is coming home to roost. Many employees are upset with him. Unfortunately there is no outlet for them in this case. The mayor rules with threats in the creation of an atmosphere of fear; instead of leading with good sense and leadership/management skill. There is also a communications issue which has been discussed previously with the mayor regarding lateral communications with employees.
Informant 1 -I was accused of domestic violence, the police were called, there was an argument, there were no blows exchanged, there was stress in our family. There were no formal charges, the case was dismissed. But that did not stop our Mayor from threatening me. He placed negative personnel actions into my personnel file, although he was advised against this action, all because I have not supported him politically. I know other city employees were not punished for the same actions.
Informant 2 - There was an attempt to punish me for failing to handle cash properly. However, the problem was not on me, there was a thief who was prosecuted for stealing cash. The City had no cash control policy - however, since the mayor and the person responsible for cash control were friends nothing was done about his negligence. I became a scapegoat for the "good ole boys club." Rumors were circulated, my name was run through the mud, just as he has done against other females. But things did not work out so well for the mayor regarding my situation. The city had to pay me full restitution for their wrongful actions.Update on cash control, see Informant 8 below.
(*correction) Informant 3 ( non-city employee) - Our ball teams payed money to play on the Scottsboro City Ball Fields. We were not able to complete our season. Although we complained, nothing was done to make it right, we did not complete our season due to the *Athletic Director's neglect. (Originally it was stated Field Director, it has been pointed out this is incorrect, the problem was the athletic director, another friend of the mayor who seems to do no wrong in the face of problems.) See update, Informant 8 below.
Informant 4 - My supervisor, a department head, carries brass knucles in his vehicle, I and others have seen them. He uses this weapon as a intimidation tool. Saying, "I'll take care of you if you do not do as I say." Or another one of his favorite things is to show his brass knuckles and say, "I'll whip his ass if he does this again." hitting his fist in his palm with his weapon. He has been doing this for years, the mayor has been made aware of this but because they are friends nothing is ever done about this.
Informant 5 & 6 - Job descriptions were re-written specially for some department heads. Although these department heads were not initially qualified for the position, because they were the mayor's friend, the job description was written specifically or changed specifically for them.
Informant 7 - The situation with women and how the mayor treats women is awful. I mean everyone knows about the current HR Director but do you know about the past HR Director? Yeah, he let her and the previous City Clerk go. Well, they retired because he threatened them. Oh, and there is one lady that has been with the city for years. Her department head has not evaluated her the last couple years. I heard HR notified the department head and mayor time after time about it but nothing was done. I guess because the department head is the mayor's best friend. Well best friend for now. If the mayor is not reelected the finance director will drop him like a hot potato.
Informant 8 - update - cash control - There was an earlier report regarding a loss of cash, within the past 2 weeks, at the Recreation Center, under $100.00. It is unknown if this is a continuous problem or an isolated incident. The police had been involved in investigating this information.
My comments and Informant 9 - I was first informed of a cash control problem at the Rec Com and the the possibility of theft of cash as it was mentioned that there are times when cash is left sitting around and that there was lacking control over cash. Informant 8 and 9 has made me aware of a previous issue at the Rec Com regarding cash control. It has been reported that the same issue was apparent during the time when Mayor Deason was Mayor. The ABI were called to investigate, but there was insufficient documentation as to cash control to pursue an more thorough investigation.
Fair Use for non-profit news reporting and commentary
My comments: It is my opinion that there is a valid concern regarding active sexual discrimination carried forth by the Scottsboro City Mayor against various female employees of the City of Scottsboro. Interviews have revealed a historical pattern of discriminatory practices by the Mayor and other male employee department heads where he is the direct supervisor.
There is a continuous historical problem regarding Scottsboro's Personnel Evaluation System, it is outdated and does not reflect a current professional Objective System of Contractual, Measurable Performance Standards.
The citizens of Scottsboro paid a large amount of money to an investigator several years ago in a previous personnel related issue. That issue and the subsequent hearing filled the Goosepond Civic Center. The personnel specialist's recommendation was for the City of Scottsboro to immediately implement a system of Objective, Measurable Performance Standards Evaluation System. Every mayor since Louis Price has been advised to improve the personnel performance apraisal system to reflect an objective system of measurable performance standards. There is only one reason the political powers within the City of Scottsboro will not implement an objective, professional, measurable system of performance evaluations. The want for personal control instead of implementing the need for a fair, objective system of performance appraisals.
My opinions regarding personnel and discrimination are based on education and experience as a Department of Defense Race Relations Equal Opportunity Management Specialist within Department of the Army, now retired, and being a first line and a mid-level supervisor in the Federal Personnel Management System within the Army Medical Department, receiving many, many hours of personnel management education from the Department of the Army, Federal Office of Personnel Management, University of Michigan, University of Florida and a graduate of Baylor University.
Caution - this is a disturbing video, it is very obvious the dog is in distress and the person making the video is upset. Children may be heard in the background crying. (This Senate candidates video was copied in case it was removed, apparently removal has occurred.)
"Our two dogs were poisoned by someone or something last Friday while Heather and I were away from home. It happened the day after someone circulated a very negative, hate instigating video of me that went viral. Ricky died & Elsa was rushed to the vet just in time. Our sitter took this video while waiting for help. If you have any information as to who may have done this, please private message me or email me Understand that i do not know for certain that someone poisoned my dogs but if so, and caught on our property, my second amendment right would have been applied.
My Comments: The Jackson County Sheriffs Department has been contacted, along with the Jackson County Animal Control Officer to determine if any reports have been filed. Other source contacted the Chief Deputy - all report - no reports filed.
With children in the home, an average person concerned about their children would immediately file a police report. This video was posted 18 hours prior to 11:50 AM on Feb 10, 2016 on Shad McGill's Face Book site.
Shad McGill reports via his Face Book site that the pets were poisoned last Friday, which would have been Feb 5, 2016 while they were away from home.
UPDATE - 4:45 Feb 10, 2016 - The above video appears to have been removed from the McGill Face Book site today. On February 6, 2016 this Face Book post was made according to the Face Book post: "Please pray for Elsa! Just left the vet this morning. It appears as though someone or something poisoned our family's two dogs yesterday while we were at work. Ricky died before we could get him to the vet but Elsa is hanging on. She is not out of the woods yet but we should know Monday morning. She is currently on meds and fluids."
Shadrack N Heather McGill Public Face Book Site, Fair Use for non-profit news reporting and commentary.
I hope your surviving pet makes it through this ordeal as they are innocent victims of animal abuse. Frankly, I do not understand why y'all would not file a police report with the Jackson County Sheriffs Department reporting this incident, you have children in your home.
Since you are a United States Senatorial candidate shouldn't the U.S. Secret Service be notified of this incident? I have not been able to find the viral hate video you refer, reference the video and narrative - "It happened the day after someone circulated a very negative, hate instigating video of me that went viral.."
Drug Testing Management Program Face Book photo (Fair-use for nonprofit news reporting and commentary)
Drug Testing Program Management, DTPM in "The Louisiana Drug Court Show," a continuation of "The Family and Associates story."
**Regarding Drug abuse treatment - It will take a joint effort by citizens to change the way business is accomplished within our government regarding drug abuse. Allowing attorneys, corrections, and the courts to make primary decisions regarding treatment of disease, instead of physicians, is a serious error of judgement.**
Drug Testing Program Management, DTPM, is connected with Jackson Community Corrections and Court Referral (associated with Jackson County Courts, the State of Alabama's Office of Courts and Alabama Department Corrections).
Their owner and at least one of their executive staff are board members of the Jackson County Court Referral and Community Corrections organization. A NON-accountable corporate courts' organization in Jackson County. But lets not confuse issues of making money with issues of helping people with substance abuse problems, maximum sarcasm intended.
Fair use for non profit news reporting, unknown source.
The FB photo, The Louisiana Drug Court "really big shoe;" demonstrates their profit motivations, a Louisiana Drug Court Show - oh boy and here we have the really big "shoe" lets hear it for DRUG COURT and their sundry of players - "substance abusers, we will bleed'em dry of money, or jail them if they have no money," court referral, community corrections, corporate courts and politicians who don't give a damn.
Court Referral and Community Corrections - "...just like the First Baptist Church..." says their attorney, as an excuse for not being accountable for public funds, protocols, number of successes vs failures and procedures.
DTPM does not meet the requirements of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, SAMHSA, for a certified drug testing facility. Nor do they meet the Code of Alabama (COA) requirements for employee drug testing, COA - 25-5-335. But, that does not stop their Elvis impersonations, or sending off confirmations with no seal/no double sample testing methodology, or greater than 5 day old samples. Can you say, improper chain of custody? I hope their Elvis impersonations, flashy costumes, are better than their drug testing charade.
UPDATE - August 25, 2020 - More info on testing protocol and certification requirements in Alabama. More evidence of a racket of extortion on the poor, but benefiting corporate entities and their owners, NOT PEOPLE.
Clinical Laboratories in Alabama which test human bodily fluid specimens have certification requirements. These requirements are outlined in the Alabama Department of Public Health Rules (ADPH), Chapter 420-5-8, and is administrative law in Alabama. The requirements became health law in November 1975 and have been updated many times, with the last update July 2014. Link: My inquiries reveal DTPM does not meet the requirements of a clinical laboratory testing human bodily fluid specimens FYI -. These issues have recently came to light as DTPM is testing for Covid-19 per contract from Highlands Medical Center, Jackson County Health Care Authority. This was discovered after interviews with Highlands Medical Center laboratory staff.
Quote from the ADPH : ". . . Independent clinical laboratories and health care
institutions engaged in offering diagnostic services to be
licensed by the Alabama State Board of Health, the State
Board of Health does hereby adopt and promulgate the
following Rules governing all independent clinical
laboratories and all independent physiological laboratories
and other related institutions in Alabama, except those
operated under the supervision of the Department of Mental
Health. . ." Drug testing falls under the Department of Mental Health who are not qualified, not properly funded, nor able to properly certify actual clinical laboratories, however they do so anyways. This exemption points to a high level of corruption initiated politically for financial gain of those profiting from the medical conditions of substance abusers. In my opinion, to exempt these clinical laboratories from certification requirements of the ADPH, due to their performing drug tests, is unprofessional, facilitates malpractice and is indicative of a corporate fascist culture supporting money before the health of human beings. The care of patients suffering from substance abuse must involve medical treatment instead of fostering a culture of money before human health. That is not saying courts should not be involved due to criminal behavior, I am saying that the medical condition of substance abusers must be placed before a corporate justice and prison system to insure a person who has a drug problem receives the necessary treatment and returns to society to be a productive member of the community.
Will the Drug Testing Lab Exemptions change October 1, 2020? Or will corporate fascism continue? Quote from ADPH: "CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment) Effective October 1, 2020"
"Any clinical laboratory that meets the definition of an Independent Clinical Laboratory (ICL), including those that perform waived testing only, will be required to obtain the state license for laboratories and follow the rules set forth by the Alabama State Board of Health. The application and fee requirements can be found on this website".
"All clinical laboratories that perform testing on human specimens for diagnosis, treatment, or preventive medicine are required to obtain and maintain a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certificate. . ." Link:
Will the needed change occur, will labs be required to be certified by the Alabama Department of Health to insure accuracy of testing??
The "war on drugs" is about money, not people's health. Money to support a non-accountable drug court system, attorneys, court referral entities with a continuous stream of offenders - regardless of accuracy or truthfulness of test results; money to support the corporate court system and the skulduggery it brings as demonstrated by the below photos.
Photo from Face Book DTPM site - Who keeps the corporate judiciary and non-certified drug testing labs in line? (fair-use for non-profit news reporting and commentary)
DTPM Christmas party - celebrating from others misery from the pockets of the poor! Enjoy your fun and frivolity DTPM on the misery of those suffering from substance abuse. Feel the message, or do you give a damn? (fair use for non-profit news reporting and commentary)
Mississippi Drug Court Show DTPM Face Book site. (Fair use for non profit news reporting.) What, no flashy costumes at this Drug Court Show?
The War on Drugs Cost - It is about the money, not ending the problem of substance abuse. Facts demonstrate the war on drugs has killed more people than drugs and resulted in an increase in organized crime. Some local law enforcement, current and retired, have stated that the Community Corrections-Court Referral-Drug Testing-Pseudo Out Patient care scam is organized crime. These programs are not about resolving the problem of substance abuse, the "War on Drugs" is about making money.
Fair use for non profit news reporting, unknown source.
Drug Distribution in the U.S. - DEA Intelligence Report
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance being lead by 8th Grade Student Reece Murdock. (photo by G. Morgan).
National Geography Bee Awards, Collins Intermediate School - 1st Place: Jackson Moore,
School Board Member John Esslinger presented the award (photo by G. Morgan).
National Geography Bee Awards, Collins Intermediate School - 2nd Place: Hudson Thomas,
School Board Member Julie Gentry presented the award (photo by G. Morgan)
If you will note the above agenda, there is NO Board Member Comment Section on the agenda. This is a deviation regarding the policy and procedures of the Scottsboro School Board which has not been approved by the school board \
Apparently the Superintendent took it upon herself to remove the comment section from the agenda without the approval of the School Board, however the school board accepted the agenda without question. The School Board President discussed this issue at the end of the meeting, as demonstrated in the video. There was considerable discussion about this issue at the work session and I had a 2 part video regarding this issue. Link:
Frankly, the reason I am going to be following the School Board meetings and videoing them is due to reported irregularities regarding agenda items and policy such as this one represents. Never should a School Board Superintendent, in this case an appointed position, attempt to over-rule, and make-up her personal rules over elected public officials. Specifically, when this was discussed at the work session, Board Member Hollie Thompson mentioned she was not going to vote on this issue during the work session.
Dr. Spivey is a capable school superintendent and we are fortunate to have a person of her professional expertise. The School Board cannot allow her to run "rip-shod" over them because a bureaucratic organization such as the Alabama Association of School Board's suggests the censorship of Board Member comments. The Schools superintendent must work with public officials and they must listen intently to her advice. In this case, to censor public officials comments or reports during a work session or regular session are unwarranted and is a questionable action. WHY?? What does the schools and or administrators have to hide regarding public policy or facts. There was never an actual reason given at the work session for such action other than the association attorney recommended it. The Alabama Association of School Board Attorney, Susan Williams, would not return my call regarding this issue.
I am being informed about other unfair actions regarding personnel policy application within the Scottsboro Schools System. However, I do not have corroborating evidence to support statements being made. I'll be looking for that evidence.
Some did not like the WAFF article and subsequent discussion on Face Book about the hiring of a substitute teacher who had or has a substance abuse problem - Story segment and link:. "SCOTTSBORO, AL (WAFF) -
A Scottsboro substitute teacher is out of a job after she was arrested on drug charges last week.She faced a similar charge five years ago. 45-year-old Bailie Arnold Wise is out on bond after she was charged following the incident at her Scottsboro home last week. Wise was arrested for possession of methamphetamine in Jefferson County back in 2010, in which she successfully completed drug court."
There has been considerable discussion about this issue on Face Book including discussion in private about CENSORING such comments. School officials, it will not work, you are creating a greater problem, My suggestion - THINK BEFORE YOU ACT and if you have a question, discuss it with your attorney. Threatening employees regarding their jobs because they may or may not post a link on social media regarding this issue only creates a problem for management who contemplates such unfair policy actions.
There has been much information gained and distributed. The information contained and facts in parts 1 thru 4 have been confirmed. There is some information that will not be distributed to protect the innocent.
*Prior to Part 6 being published*
There is a concern regarding the fair application of policy and how actions are carried forth within the City of Scottsboro by some Department Heads and the Mayor. I have received considerable information from the "Deep Throat" informant which is confirmed. At this point we would like to know if there are other employees of the City of Scottsboro who would like to come forward and tell of their experiences regarding actions which may be considered unfair or violate policy of the City of Scottsboro, but you are scared to come forward due to retaliation. I'll assure you that all informants identification will be kept confidential.
To the Mayor of Scottsboro and others within the City of Scottsboro, public employees or those acting in behalf of political officials, or others - I'm tired of threats and intimidation. I have filed several complaints with the Scottsboro Police Department regarding everything from harassing communications to terrorist threats. For 8 years I've had to put up with threats and defaming actions placed forth on's Scottsboro forums when public information is disseminated. There is an intentional effort to block the dissemination of public information by tyrants within this city. The threats and defamation continues today. The most recent complaint of Harassing Communications was filed on January 17, 2016 - this involved a threat to kill me. The threat said specifically: "I do not want to fill out the paper work if I kill your sorry azz." SPD Case # 16-00104 (0)
If anyone can identify the person(s) who has made threats and defamed for the past 8 years or knows who has made current threats and harassing communications, please post in the comments section, or contact Detective Putnam of the Scottsboro Police Department - 256-574-4468 ext. 339, thank you.
Recent post string copy, since removed, related to harassing communications threat. Copy attached to police report.
Click on image for an expanded view.
UPDATE - April 5, 2016 Stalking, Harassing Communications - 2nd post which indicates stalking, Wardcleaver10 quote - "...I
know where he lives, hangs out and other particulars..." This posting on Scottsboro's forum has been sent to the Scottsboro Police Department regarding case # 16-00104 (0)
UPDATE - April 6, 2016 - Many thanks to the Scottsboro Police Department, Detective Putman, for identifying the culprit who had been entering Harassing Communications and threats for 8 years. As it turns out, the perpetrator is a disabled old feller who resides on Sand Mountain and is in a bad state physically and probably has an alcohol addiction. May God help your soul and may you find peace in your days on this earth. At this time I am not asking for prosecution, if it continues there will be action taken.
"Don't be intimidated," ( ) The conduct displayed in the above video, and copy of harassment, threats, stalking and harassing communications are illegal.
The harassment and stalking of city public employees facilitated by political officials, and confirmed by interviews with public employees in the City of Scottsboro is disturbing. Will incidents of stalking, threats and harassing communications be referred for prosecution? That will be determined by outcomes of investigations. Note Scottsboro Police Department contact info below the above video.
Where there is a management style of fear and threats instead of proven principles of leadership, it has become necessary to expose that which may cost the citizens dearly in assets, revenue and personnel. I ask you citizens of Scottsboro - Is this the political leadership you desire?
Ways to contact: 1) Face Book Messenger - Garry L. Morgan, Scottsboro. If you will scroll down on this blog page you will notice my Face Book badge listing on the right hand column about half way down the page; 2) post a reply as a comment to this article below. I review all comment posts, list contact info and I will get in touch with you, but will not post the comment.
This series will continue - This is a pause to demonstrate exactly what this is about, to expose corruption within the City of Scottsboro by political and appointed officials, and to allow others input who are employees of the City of Scottsboro if they desire. I'll assure you that any informants identity will be kept confidential.
UPDATE, Feb. 6, 2015 - A Blast from the Past - "Potter's integrity should not be questioned," says the local newspaper publisher. Content of article, personnel management policy involving historical negligent actions by Scottsboro Mayors.
A Letter Never Published
Building a negligent political power structure of subjective, discriminatory management instead of representing the people of Scottsboro with an objective performance appraisal system regarding Scottsboro Employees. ( Plainly - kiss the "mayor's ass" and you get what you want, instead of professional performance management system which fairly and objectively evaluates employees.)
January 30, 2014 -
A repeat from last Thursday’s column lead off paragraph and a reply to Mr. Shurett’s Friday column: “The City of Scottsboro has a problem with its performance appraisal system. This reoccurring historical problem is based on city leadership at the elected level failing to improve Scottsboro’s Performance Employee Evaluation System.” This comment is an opinion based on years of education and experience, it is not a rumor.
A question of integrity, the City of Scottsboro’s Integrity concerning a fair and honest system of performance evaluations for each employee is questionable. That is not a rumor, it is an opinion.
Scottsboro does not have a system in place that utilizes an objective, measurable, performance appraisal system; it is a subjective, opinion based performance appraisal system. Every personnel problem coming before Scottsboro’s Personnel Board in the last 10 years, where a public meetinghas been held that I have witnessed, has been the result of no contractual, objective performance appraisal standards. This paragraph is not a rumor; it is both fact and opinion
Are our elected officials responsible for the integrity of an effective, objective system of performance standards? YES. Our elected officials must insure that all employees are accountable by the implementation of a fair and equitable set of objective, measurable performance standards. That is not a rumor, that is a system of professional, accountable government.
As long as Scottsboro’s City Leadership are not working toward a modern system of objective, measurable, contractual performance standards the taxpayers have a liability. That is my opinion based on years of management education and experience, not a rumor.
It is also not a rumor but a fact that Scottsboro’s Street Department has been embroiled in numerous problems. Some of those problems have resulted in numerous personnel policy and law violations by city employees.
The Mayors integrity is not in question, there is a question of whether this historical problem will continue and Mayor Potter will take action to correct this deficiency in our city’s personnel management process. There is good reason for the citizens to be concerned – lawsuits from past and current employees, continuing problems in the Street Department, and a deficient personnel management appraisal system; not rumors – concern, facts and opinion.
To this day, February 7, 2016, there has been no application of an objective measurable performance appraisal system implemented in the City of Scottsboro. The mayor has been repeatedly advised that he should take action to improve Scottsboro's lacking performance appraisal system. Unfortunately, individuals such as our current mayor, had rather have a system of personnel management which is non-objective and subjective based on his and his pals power motivations, not a performance oriented fair system of personnel management.
On January 30, 2014 the mayors integrity was not in question, that is not the situation at this time, his integrity and actions are very much in question.
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****************************I'm GARRY MORGAN, a Christian, U.S. Army (AMEDD) retired, Race Relations/Equal Opportunity Specialist (U.S.Army, Retired DOD-DRRI-DEOMI) a citizen of Scottsboro Alabama, a Baylor University grad-Go Bears, a political activist and a political Independent as I believe political parties divide the citizenry whom they are suppose to represent. We must learn the lessons of our history or we will surely repeat our mistakes. I think the greatest problem facing our nation is the massive national and personal debt.