BLN, Bellefonte proposed Nuclear Units 1 & 2.

Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant.
Excerpt from the Decatur Daily: "A Public hearing is set Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010 on Energy Department plan to use weapons-grade fuel at Browns Ferry."
"The U.S. Department of Energy will hold a public meeting Tuesday at Calhoun Community College’s aerospace building from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to discuss plans to use mixed uranium-plutonium oxide, a processed version of weapons-grade plutonium, at TVA’s Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Limestone County. "
Dr. Ed Lyman,PhD., specialist and expertise in Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons & Global Security-Nuclear Terrorism, Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington, D.C.. Dr Lyman, among others, will speak at the Decatur Hearings Tuesday in regards to the danger of utilizing Plutonium Mixed Oxide fuel in TVA's atomic reactors..
http://www.ucsusa.org/news/experts/edwin-lyman.html Dr Lyman has stated the following in regards to an error in the Decatur article: "The story has a mistake in the amount of plutonium that TVA reactors would have to dispose of - it's actually at least 34 metric tons. The seven tons mentioned in the story would be additional to the 34 metric tons."
Browns Ferry is west 55 air miles from Scottsboro.
Dr. Lyman will be in Scottsboro Monday to meet with the Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team, BEST. We will be discussing with Dr. Lyman usage of weapons grade Plutonium in TVA's aging reactors and TVA's manufactoring of Tritium in its reactors.
The probability is very high that the TVA will use Plutonium oxide fuel and will manufacture Tritium in the Bellefonte Reactor Facility if the reactor becomes operational.
BEST has extended a Hand of Friendship to the TVA for a sit down discussion and tour of Bellefonte to discuss various concerns over degraded equipment and issues related to engineering, geology-hydrology, tritium manufacture, usage of Plutonium fuel and security problems related to Bellefonte. Risk & Reliability factors have not been considered when utilizing plutonium fuel in the reactors designed for uranium fuel usage. The TVA at the Executive level has refused our offer for a meeting.
In other information concerning Bellefonte, the Washington D.C. Court of Appeals action filed due to the NRC's circumvention of Atomic Reactor Construction Licensing Safety and Procedures regarding Bellefonte's construction license will proceed. The respondents, the NRC and the TVA, attempted to have the case thrown out. The judges agreed with the actions of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Petitioners, the case has merit and will proceed.
It is the Petitioners position the NRC and the TVA have attempted to take shortcuts and violated Atomic Reactor Construction Licensing Safety and Proceedures in the licensing process resulting in a Federal Appeals Court Case which will now proceed.